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Discussion » Questions » Jobs » If part of your job were to defend your boss and unwittingly lie for him only to have your boss contradict you how long before you'd quit?

If part of your job were to defend your boss and unwittingly lie for him only to have your boss contradict you how long before you'd quit?

How many times would you stand for it before you told him/her to SHOVE IT and move on?

Posted - May 12, 2017


  • 6477
    I wouldn't knowingly lie.. but we are very frequently asked to put a positive spin on things... and yes I have ended up in the do do for that.. it's not a nice feeling.. seems loyalty doesn't always work both ways.. 

    I take it you are talking about our friend Trump.. well he's as slimey as they come so really anyone who trusted him and couldn't see that coming is unfortunate - i guess you live and learn 
      May 12, 2017 4:33 AM MDT

  • 113301
    He hung all his toady spokespeople out to dry. They all lied from the lowliest up to the highliest! Mike Pence lied repeatedly. Then Trump had that Lester Holt interview and said he was going to fire Comey anyway. It was his idea and the memos had nothing to do with it. I don't know how much longer his toady spokespersons are willing to be caught in lies before they realize they are trashing their reputations rolling forward forever after unless they GET OUT NOW! It may already be too late for that. Let Trump tell his own lies and then contradict himself. He does it anyway. Why involve others? Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
      May 12, 2017 6:20 AM MDT

  • If I was done like that even one time, given the circumstance you laid out ... I'd be gone in about the time it took for this reply. 
      May 12, 2017 4:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Me too Jett! Ditto! Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
      May 12, 2017 6:21 AM MDT

  • Happy Friday to you Rosie! :)
      May 12, 2017 6:32 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you Jett! :)
      May 12, 2017 6:37 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I wouldn't take a job knowing I would have to lie for my boss.  If it turned out that after I took the job, I would have to do that, I would look for another job.
      May 12, 2017 11:34 AM MDT

  • 22891
    not long
      May 12, 2017 2:24 PM MDT