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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » What does it take to silence a LIAR? How about repudiating each lie STAT? Loud and clear and repeatedly? Would that shut the liar up?

What does it take to silence a LIAR? How about repudiating each lie STAT? Loud and clear and repeatedly? Would that shut the liar up?

Posted - May 12, 2017


  • 3375
    Don't give them your ear.  The moment I figure out someone just can't tell the truth about anything, I walk away.  I don't have relationships with people I can't trust.
      May 12, 2017 9:11 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Me too neither PeaPod. Here's how I look at it. If they betray/screw you once there is no guarantee they won't to do it again. So why give them another crack at you? Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
      May 13, 2017 4:40 AM MDT

  • 6988
    Better to ask; When will the liberal media ever be able to regain it's truthfulness?  Shall it be ruined by it's constant bending of the truth?
      May 12, 2017 11:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You are lost in a miasma of Trumpworld deception bh. I pity you. I really do. I hope you survive. I used to know you before when you were different from the person you've become. I liked that person a lot. I hope you remember whom you used to be and miss that you too. That was a person who asked me if I had a book of questions to ask because you couldn't understand where all my question come from and you thought I had a book of thousands of questions which I used. I told you I don't which is true. I still ask lots of questions. I still have no book that provides them to me. You still show up but not the you I used to know. A different you. Happy Saturday. This post was edited by RosieG at May 13, 2017 4:38 AM MDT
      May 13, 2017 4:37 AM MDT

  • 6988
    Certain news media has begun to point out that some media members have begun to tell lies, perhaps for better ratings. 
      May 13, 2017 6:26 PM MDT

  • 17078
    The only way to silence the Dumpster's mouth is for Vlad to impale it the way Colbert suggested.
      May 12, 2017 10:27 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Hahahahahahahaha! IF ONLY! "Thinking makes it so". "What man can conceive man can achieve". Or so we are told. I don't know if you caught the clip yesterday when Colbert was so excited he giggled gleefully as he told us that he and his show were  targets of Doofus Donny. He couldn't contain himself! I look at Doofus and his toady minions as going to the seashore..any seashore..could be in Australia or southern California. There they stand commanding the ocean to stop moving. Why? Because they feel like it. There they stand as the ocean ignores them completely and continues to do its thing. Now what happens to those who can't swim at high tide? One wonders about such things. Thank you for your reply. I think I just thought up another question! :)
      May 13, 2017 4:32 AM MDT