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Discussion » Questions » Legal » Trump should ]have been impeached the moment he took the oath of office according to one law professor. Yes/no/maybe so?

Trump should ]have been impeached the moment he took the oath of office according to one law professor. Yes/no/maybe so?

Per Lawrence Tribe, Constitutional Law Professor at Harvard Law School, a prez should not profit financially from foreign investments. Money flows in to Trump et famille from multiple foreign investments worldwide daily. Trump is persoally wealthier and wealthier and wealthier each day in office. That alone makes him impeachable according to Tribe. Now  Congress and the Senate are majorly Republican. Will they be honorable/brave/strong and point to the Constitution and how Trump is in flagrant defiance of it as grounds for impeachment or will they do as they always do..look the other..hope it all blows they can get the prez to sign off on all bills that is in accordance with their agenda?  Which do you think will happen? Why?

Posted - May 16, 2017


  • 22891
    maybe but we dont have any control over that
      May 16, 2017 3:53 PM MDT