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How do you react to opinions you don't share? Do you take them in stride or do they make you crazy? Because?

Posted - May 19, 2017


  • 13071
    Opinions are just that. Opinions. They don't make me crazy. I already am crazy.
      May 19, 2017 6:53 AM MDT

  • 113301
    If you're crazy cp I'll take some! Opinions only bother me when I can't make sense of them. I  believe what makes sense to me and so I expect that's true for everyone. I'm not unique. If I can understand WHY someone believes something there's really no need to question it even if I don't agree. Different strokes. It's when I can't understand it no matter how often they give "reasons" that I keep asking. For instance. I don't understand why anyone would support a person whose actions will harm them. But people do and since it makes no sense I keep trying to understand why. I would think clean air and clean water is something everyone would support. But some legislation protecting it was rescinded so now manufacturing plants can dump chemicals in surrounding waters and it's legal. Also  some FDA regs have been "relaxed" or repealed. This means that your food, cosmetics, prescription drugs  don't have to be as safe as they were. Now who in his/her right mind would support that? What about their children? This is what they want for their children? Yet people do. So I'm stuck with pondering and wondering and asking.  Thank you for your reply.
      May 21, 2017 5:33 AM MDT

  • 17641
    You mean after I go out and burn some cars and break in a few stores and steal things?
      May 19, 2017 2:42 PM MDT

  • 457
    These days I try to learn and make sense of differing opinions before I accept or dismiss them. This post was edited by Paynuts at May 21, 2017 5:34 AM MDT
      May 19, 2017 2:46 PM MDT

  • 113301
    If I can understand the reason for an opinion I don't have to agree with it Pay. But there are some opinions that make no sense to me at all. Gutting the EPA means clean air and clean water are things of the past. Reducing FDA regs means that food/prescription drugs/cosmetics don't have to be safe or as safe. Now what kind of person would support that? It affects their health but even if they don't give a rat's a** about themselves what about their children? Aren't their children ENTITLED to clean air, clean water, safe food? It drives me beyond around the bend because it just makes absolutely no sense. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
      May 21, 2017 5:37 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i just ignore them
      May 19, 2017 3:48 PM MDT

  • I take them in stride. I don't see the need to get all upset over someones opinion, unless they just won't shut-up about it.
      May 21, 2017 5:38 AM MDT