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What do you think about the protesters getting beat at the Turkish embassy?

It was done by the Turkish presidents private security guards - the American protesters were outside of the embassies gate so it seems horrible and the worst part is they will get away with it because of diplomatic amunity. Cheers and happy weekend!

Posted - May 19, 2017


  • 8261
    A country I know very little about, I do know they are different in their:

    1. Customs
    2. Beliefs
    3. Legal process
    4. and collective consciousness

    I sure am not in a position to comment on anything that goes on there.  We have enough problems here in the U.S.A. with the current civil war. America is my concern. 

      May 19, 2017 10:12 AM MDT

  • 3191
      May 19, 2017 10:22 AM MDT

  • 19937
    The Turks behave in America the same as they would in Turkey knowing full well that their actions will not have any consequences.  If foreign dignitaries and their entourages are unwilling to abide by the laws of the nation where their consulates are, then they should be removed until they are. 
      May 19, 2017 10:48 AM MDT

  • 23
    There is a great anecdote from back in the 1970's about the Turks. A Turkish Navy vessel was visiting a US port on the West Coast in California -- San Diego I believe. While on liberty, one of the Turk sailors sexually assaulted a woman in a bar. The sailor was arrested but according to Status of Forces agreements, he was turned over to his commanding officer. After a brief (VERY brief) investigation, the sailor was found guilty of rape by his commander and sentenced to death.

    The Turk commanding officer notified the US Navy that they intended to execute the man and were told "You can't do that here!" The Turk ship, without notice, suddenly got underway. They were seen sailing directly off shore beyond the 12 mile territorial limit of the US. Hours later, the ship returned to port n San DIego, with the dead sailor swinging from their yardarm.

    Not all cultures are filled with liberal pantywaists. I used to regularly watch as Republic of Korea (South Korea) navy petty officers physically beat subordinate sailors for infractions of rules of failure to carry out orders as instructed.

    If the protestors in any way threatened the Turk embassy or President Erdovan, or if the protestors crossed onto Turk sovereign territory at the embassy, the Turks were totally within their rights and acted correctly according o their laws.

    By the way, I saw DC cops in the video and they appeared to be supporting the Turks in forcing the "protesters' back.

    Without more facts, I at present support the actions of the Turks.
      May 19, 2017 11:06 AM MDT

  • 2658
    Full-blown  Turkish Hoodlums with diplomatic immunity.
      May 19, 2017 12:25 PM MDT

  • 22891
    i dont think anyone should be beating anyone
      May 19, 2017 3:23 PM MDT