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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » I've had a real humdinger of a day, I think the powers that be are really testing me lol - Have you had a good day?

I've had a real humdinger of a day, I think the powers that be are really testing me lol - Have you had a good day?

At least 4 significant and potentially long term problems I was trying to deal with today.. everyone I spoke to was rude or seriously unhelpful.. even two companies who have *always* been great... were so rude and obstructive... I really don't want to get cynical but it almost seems some days like the world's out to shaft you :(

Posted - May 19, 2017


  • 22891
    its been okay so far, im trying to debate on whether to go to this church 2 blocks away from me but im afraid the wind might knock me down or the snow might make me fall, i could take a backpack on wheels and hold on to the handles to avoid falls , which is something i dont need to do right now, i tripped on something in my apt last sunday night and hit my head and my side, i really dont need another one right now
      May 19, 2017 2:59 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Aww I agree.. time to look after yourself a little.. it can be scary when we get injured and we realise we aren't as tough as we thought.. If it's snowy out then I think stay in and chill until the better weather 
      May 19, 2017 3:43 PM MDT