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Discussion » Questions » Politics » It took him 7 years but Obama finally has the War on Cops that he had been egging on. Three more cops killed in Louisiana. Cops or Obama and his sycophants in BLM - which side are you on?

It took him 7 years but Obama finally has the War on Cops that he had been egging on. Three more cops killed in Louisiana. Cops or Obama and his sycophants in BLM - which side are you on?

Posted - July 17, 2016


  • I'm on the cops side. For every 2 black people killed by cops, there's 12 more killed by each other but it's far easier to blame it on race than facing their own mortality.

      July 18, 2016 11:57 AM MDT

  • 3934

    So, selling drugs is justification for cops flash-banging your kid's face off? Or, as was the case in the link I cited above, it wasn't even the suspect's kid. It was child staying in the house of the SUSPECT (again, not a convict, a SUSPECT..and, of course, the police NEVER arrest the wrong person, right?).

    I'm quite sure that if a cop justified shooting your dog or your best friend because you had unpaid parking tickets, you would howl at the injustice of it. So, I am prompted to conclude that you are either really really selfish and hypocritical ("violence against others is OK, just not against me"), really really bigoted ("violence against all N*gg*ers is OK, because some N*gg*ers are bad"), or really really stupid ("I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'll be contrary because STOOPID EBIL LIBRUHLZ IS WRONG").

    Re: "swat doesn't just show up for tea generally."

    Perhaps you should educate yourself. One of the principal complaints about police abuse/violence is that the use of SWAT teams for non-violent situations (such as serving the warrant for the drug arrest which led to the infant's face being blown off by a flash-bang grenade) has risen dramatically in recent years.

    But, hey, why let empirical reality get in the way of a good STOOPID EBIL LIBRUHL-bashing?...;-D...

      July 18, 2016 12:01 PM MDT

  • What the f*** are you talking about? I know Old School is not pro killing. I never said he was. Neither did he, not even sarcastically. His sarcasm was in feigning outrage at Black Lives Matter, and therefore implying his support for it.

    AdamAPAD has made the assertion that Black Lives Matter is divisive. Notice how Old School refuses to get drawn into asserting that BLM is not divisive. Typical Old School MO is to never defend his position. He just counter attacks with irrelevant arguments. Whether the police use excessive force is irrelevant (I believe they do). Whether police are institutionally racist is irrelevant. (I believe they aren't.) Two wrongs don't make a right.

    I have discussed this subject with Old School in other threads. Old School doesn't endorse the killing of white cops, but I don't see him condemning it either. It is a racist hate crime, but he won't call it that. His implied argument is that black people are oppressed and therefore their sh*t doesn't stink.

      July 18, 2016 12:47 PM MDT

  • OS nope wasn't meaning it as a justification, never said anything about liberals, never said anything about race and I cert. never said that cop violence against other races was justified.

    I just don't cop bash and if a cop ever killed my animal it is ONLY that cop to blame for his or her actions. If I really wanted to take revenge THAT badly I'd take it out on the person that did it to me. I wouldn't say get robbed by one person and then go to another and take it out "just cause/so there that will show that OTHER innocent person to never rob me again!" Even though it was a totally different person that robbed me.

    What sense does that make?

    But we all know you make up your mind regardless of facts because if you did you wouldn't go from point A and jump to point Z with leaping conclusions.

    Bottom line is I simply think if the family weren't doing those things it wouldn't have happened. There would be no need for that child to even be in the hospital in the first place.

      July 18, 2016 6:18 PM MDT

  • 359

    Once again a person who cannot deal with the facts but goes about launching personal attacks..  How typical from you djam-rona...

      July 18, 2016 8:24 PM MDT

  • 359

    Well said Austrian School..

      July 18, 2016 8:25 PM MDT

  • 3934

    @AS -- Your "beliefs" are irrelevant to this discussion, unless you also grant the right for BLM to express their "beliefs" about the prevelance of law enforcement abuse of the African-American community.

    The assertion that BLM is "divisive" is nonsense, because the people who make that claim do not provide evidence it is so. They cite the individual cop-shooters and hold BLM collectively responsible for the violence of those individuals, while ignoring calls by BLM representatives to stop the violence.

    Fine, if you and APAD want to play that game, then Right-Wing Authoritarian f***tards like you are affiliated with, associated with, and support Right Wing violence such as that committed by the Dylan Roof, the Sihk Temple Shooter, the guy who shot up the Colorado  Planned Parenthood facility, and so forth.

    What? I can't hold you responsible for that? Holding groups responsible for the actions of individuals is wrong? Or is it only wrong when the group in question ISN"T N*gg*rs, F***ING HADJIS, or STOOPID EBIL LIBRUHLZ?

    BLM seeks political change. That makes the group no more "divisive" then the Trump supporters at the GOP convention. To assert otherwise is either selectively assigning collective guilt to the group for individual actions, or denying them their political rights either on the basis of race or ideology.

    So you can take your F***ING HYPOCRISY ("My political advocacy is legitimate. BLM's is divisive") and your Special Kind of Stupid ("Because I don't WANT to believe cops in the USA are racist, I'll deliberately avoid and ignore copious evidence that they are") and stick it in some bodily orifice.

    Finally, to answer your charge that I approve of or, at least, don't decry the killing of the cops in Dallas and Baton Rouge, that is incorrect. I am against people shooting cops because SOME cops are racist and oppressive, just as I am against cops being bigoted and oppressive against African-Americans because SOME African-Americans are criminal and/or violent.

    The crucial asymmetry here is that cops ENFORCE THE LAW, so if either police or police violence protesters commit crime/violence, it is up to the police to ENFORCE THE LAW. And if far too many instances, the police DON'T ENFORCE THE LAW when one of their own violates it.

    If a BLM protestor blew the face off of someone's baby with a grenade (either military grade or homemade), the police would stop at nothing to nail the bastard. When the SWAT team in Georgia did it, NO ONE was held accountable.

    So, yeah, tell me about how "divisive" BLM is when s**t like that is happening disproportionately to the African-American community.

      July 18, 2016 8:56 PM MDT

  • 3934

    Please see my thorough evisceration of GoldfingerWannaBe's so-called "well said" comment....;_D...

      July 18, 2016 9:08 PM MDT

  • 3934

    Gad, are you really this dense (or this racist)?

    The fact that blacks commit crimes against other blacks DOES NOT IN ANY WAY JUSTIFY police abuse. Nor does solving one problem (racist police abuse of the African-American community) necessarily interfere with efforts to prevent another problem (black-on-black crime).

    But, of course, it's more fun to blame N*gg*rs and STOOPID EBIL LIBRUHLZ than offer up actual logical arguments.

      July 18, 2016 9:14 PM MDT

  • OS:

      July 19, 2016 12:35 AM MDT

  • AI I looked it up it's a lot. They are more higher than any other group.

      July 19, 2016 12:50 AM MDT

  • OS - "BLM seeks political change. That makes the group no more "divisive" than the Trump supporters at the GOP convention."

    Party politics is not meant to unite the country. It's SUPPOSED to be divisive. Democracy is rule of the majority. The purpose of the game is to crush the opposition. In politics both sides believe their ideas are superior to their opposition and seek to establish their supremacy and dominance.

    In race relations we want unity not conflict. It's a different thing entirely to the bickering between left and right.

    No, Black Lives Matter is not seeking political change. There is already equal treatment under law and has been for decades. Everything that can be done politically to create racial equality has already been done. Black Lives Matter is seeking cultural change.


    Since white people are the majority of the U.S. population they have a massive influence on the culture. No cultural change is going to occur without getting white people on side. Black Lives Matter will not achieve that by shaming us and calling us crackers. That has the opposite effect. It strengthens tribal identity.

    I'm not questioning the right of anyone to peaceful protest and activism. I just believe BLM is spectacularly unsuccessful in the task of promoting racial unity.

    I don't believe people have the right to incite violence. Walking through the streets chanting "What do we want?! DEAD COPS!!!!!!" is not cool.

      July 20, 2016 5:35 AM MDT