She had to do Much ado about nothing, which I think is at least one of the more accessible of his writings. I had to Macbeth, and I passed that exam but can remember nothing of the play!
I do wonder... how relevant, how useful it is to include Shakespeare in the English exams here... I have nothing against him.. and quite like a play or two :P but I do wonder.... why do they hang on to this, almost impossible to understand archaic author? Were there not any others? Was he that *great* I am just not sure of the need to include or rely so heavily on Shakespeare?
She's also doing Jekyll and Hyde, which she hates and, 'An Inspector call' which she also doesn't much like.. I had 'Of Mice and Men'
I think it's at least good that they don't ONLY do Macbeth and Of Mice and men now.. but I do wonder if they should widen it up still more...
Anyway... I felt this song was appropriate