Bottom line? Humans LOVE war and find ways to defend them and create situations for them. Making/selling War stuff makes lotsa people lotsa money. They don't give a rat's a** what they have to do to make more of the stuff. Humans LOVE blood and gore and death and carnage and maiming. They keep track of such things. I suppose the more of "the enemy" you kill the prouder your country should be. Right? Numbers. All the deaths are simply numbers except to those who know some who died. To the rest of us? Numbers. Cold and removed and faceless/nameless. We give medals for extreme bravery. We give medals for all kinds of righteous reasons. Why don't we just figure out how in the he** to stop making the reasons for giving medals OBSOLETE? Of course that means making less money. The US budget for military spending is huge. What would happen if human beings finally became humane and just stopped killing one another? I know. Pipedream right?