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Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » There are pills that mask physical pain. There are also pills that mitigate emotional/psychological/spiritual pain. Do they make you numb?

There are pills that mask physical pain. There are also pills that mitigate emotional/psychological/spiritual pain. Do they make you numb?

Are pills the answer to all that ails us? Is protection from pain always a good thing? Is there never a time we need to be able to FEEL everything?  Does taking enough pills make the problems causing the pain disappear? What is the long-term value of medicating yourself against feeling anything?

Posted - June 6, 2017


  • 17077
    A few years back, without pills to mask physical pain I couldn't function. They didn't make me numb, just dulled the pain sufficiently to allow me to get around a but with the aid of a cane, and to sleep at night. That level of agony is never helpful. I was without the painkillers for a week and I couldn't sleep - at the end of that week I was hallucinating.
    The pills allowed me to remain barely human until an operation fixed the underlying cause of the pain - a ruptured disc and nerve damage.
    As for emotional pain, those kind of pills I've never needed, except sleeping pills for about a week after my mother passed away - I kept waking up in tears.
      June 6, 2017 6:16 AM MDT

  • 44761
    I take both and they both make me numb without getting high. I refused a scrip for a narcotic pain killer from my doctor and told him some pain is a reminder to not do anything stupid to make the situation worse. He agreed.
      June 6, 2017 10:36 AM MDT

  • 7280
    Pills for me are much like a (literal) crutch.  If you severely twist an ankle, trying to walk without a crutch would be foolish and risk additional injury or delayed healing.

    There are medications to alleviate psychological pain---especially if that "pain" is the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain.  An overactive superego can cause "pain" when you are judging yourself to be inadequate based on your value structure---and that can cause unnecessary pain.  

    Only one medication ever made me "numb"---After a car accident, my doctor asked me if I could take a few days off from work.  I said yes. He prescribed Flexeril for me.  I took my first pill Monday night.  The next thing I remembered, it was Thursday.  But my stiff neck was totally recovered.
      June 6, 2017 1:25 PM MDT

  • 22891
    i think some can make you numb
      June 7, 2017 5:43 PM MDT