Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » We know what jobs attract LIARS. Politicians is a prime example. What profession(s) attract honest folks? How do they earn a living?

We know what jobs attract LIARS. Politicians is a prime example. What profession(s) attract honest folks? How do they earn a living?

We know Lawyers and Bankers and Wall Street Brokers and Oil Company Execs and Cigarette Company Execs etcetera etcetera etcetera are out for the big bucks. But there are honest people out there and they need to have jobs to support themselves and their families. What jobs suit them best? Why?

Posted - June 10, 2017


  • 17067
    Nurses are mostly honest, they have to be.
      June 10, 2017 3:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
     Oh my gosh YES! I had the most excellent chemo nurses you can imagine Sbf. For six months during all the different things I experienced in 2008 the one constant was that the nurses were knowledgeable/kind/caring/dependable. Good job my friend! I guess a phony nurse wouldn't last long. At least I hope not. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
      June 10, 2017 3:41 AM MDT

  • 11578
    I believe that every profession attracts a lot of honest people and a few liars. Internal audit for one, could be a place where corruption might take place, but that does not mean that all internal auditors are dishonest, does it?
      June 10, 2017 5:09 AM MDT

  • But consider these politicians are the product of American education and culture, like all of us.  And are subject to the same weaknesses and faults all people are.  The harm caused by their misdeeds are more of scope than kind.
      June 10, 2017 7:49 AM MDT

  • 22891
    doctors seem honest to me
      June 18, 2017 5:53 PM MDT