Doing okay so far.
It's all about not having any debts, and living within our means.
We've created a lifestyle that costs less than half the defining line for poverty in Australia,
and so that allows us a few extras.
Relying on, yes. Earning, no.
Kudos to you! That's no easy task.
Hi Randy. I am making it on a limited income but I am trying to make it on an unlimited income. :)
Yes I am.
Must admit, not as much kudos as it seems in my answer.
Unfair advantage, owning the bit of land and the shack we live in (don't pay rent or mortgage)
It means we collect and filter our own rain water (don't pay water rates)
produce our own electricity from solar voltaic cells (don't pay for power)
saw and chop our own firewood from fallen deadwood on our land (don't pay for heating)
grow our own vegetables and fruit (don't eat or buy meat except fo cat)
wear 2nd hand clothes,
and minimise fuel to essential trips to town and landcare.
In truth, setting all this up to start with was expensive,
and since it requires a lot of hard work
I don't know how we will manage when we hit real old age.
all things factored, the outcome has far exceeded my expectations. even if everything went to shart right now, i can't believe what's come out of such a hopeless start. finishing well... no matter what goes down from here on out. =)