(Either women or men may answer, including those with same-gender experiences and/or with same-gender opinions. Also, this question refers to more than just the peck on the cheek kind of kiss, it's deeper kissing, such as romantic, erotic, or French kissing, and either you, your partner, or both are wearing makeup.)
1. It's no big deal, I don't even give it any thought.
2. I don't mind it.
3. If it's really thick or really heavy, it's sexy.
4. I prefer it over no makeup at all.
5. I never kiss like that unless I'm wearing my makeup.
6. I never kiss anyone like that unless she's wearing makeup.
7. I never kiss like that if I'm wearing makeup.
8. I never kiss anyone like that if she's wearing makeup.
9. I ask her to wipe it off before we do that.
10. I wipe it off before we do that.
11. Two or more of the above answers.
12. None of the above/other answer.