Discussion»Questions»Animals (Wild)» O.K. Here's a bizarre thought. What is the coolest animal you can think of that you could scale up to the size of a horse?
Bouncing in my chair giggling so hard. You crack me up WW!! So true!! I'm biting my tongue again. You left me some great comebacks but I will behave and say "Yes it would be fun to have a friend the size of horse where you could kick your heels up together and play in the sun." If he lets you ride him, be sure you walk him out. It's terrible for a horse to be ridden hard and put up wet. ;) It's a fact. :D
Oh Harry, you are too kind. Even though your answer was at first funny, I went on the discover many wonderful things about the hooded seal I would have never known. First, I didn't even knew they existed and second, no big surprise here, they have been on the endangered list since 1972. Actually, it is a pretty cool trick they can do that with their left nostril and being able to dive 3,333 ft, I would want to have a trick nostril too! I wouldn't want ears on the outside either :) That must save them from getting the bends. All in all, a very cool creature to blow up as big as a horse. I think they might already be longer than a horse on the natch... but, the cool thing about it is: YOU brought them out of the water and to our attention. Thanks Harry! You're the best friend a hooded seal could have... and a great friend for me to have too! :) :)
Yes carbonproduct! I love your answer. I absolutely agree. I have a dear and wonderful friend, dragonfly. She is wise and colorful, funny and practical. She is beautiful any way you see her. I would like very much to see her blown up as big as a horse. Many people don't realize how many stages in life they go through to become mature and florescent at times. She is an exceptional work of art. No one could be as gifted and caring as my friend. Indeed, carbonproduct, dragonflys would be wonderful that size.