Discussion»Questions»Human Behavior» Are you VERY particular/selective/picky picky picky? Are there lots/few dealbreakers that turn you off? Are you a pain in the a**?
Cute Spunky. In relation to anything. The food you eat, the people you meet, the things you buy , how you spend your time. Some folks are always complaining and never happy and they are no fun to hang out with. They are embarrassing. They are rude to sales people, rude to wait staff, rude to other people. AARRGGHH! You're not like that are ya? Thank you for your reply. Gloomy grouchy grumpy grouse? Not my cuppa tea.
Ah, I see. No, that's not me. I'm very polite and rarely complain. I'm picky regarding men because I AM generally very happy and risking that is a frightening prospect, ya know what I mean?
I do indeed. That would be me as well. It took 20 years of living alone and then Jim just dropped into my life and bingo! I finally won! It's nicer than not winning! I didn't even know I was in the game so it was a really pleasant surprise! Thank you for your reply SA and Happy Monday! :)