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Should I Tell a guy/date never had a relationship?

I have declined any dates in my life due to very low self esteem/low confidence, and anxiety surrounding what a guy would think of the PTSD I have.. I fear they'd ditch me or think I'm some fraud.. like "why is she dating?" or something like that. I guess this thinking that any guy would think that of me is irrational, yet I can't seem to break it (trying each day). Should I reveal however , shall I find someone I can feel easy with or be friends first, that I have not had a relationship? Many guys (in chats) will ask, 'when was your last relationship?' and I am at a loss to just say the truth... I feel they'd judge on that too, or think less of me. Would you just say the truth or something relative of it ?

Posted - June 22, 2017


  • 46117
    I would absolutely love it if you could find a guy that you were so comfortable with you would be comfortable talking with him about whatever it was you needed to talk about. 

    VERY GOOD LUCK TO YOU.   Fingers crossed.
      June 22, 2017 8:53 PM MDT

  • NO. On a first date ... NO. On a second date also... NO. Everyone has a hair shirt to wear ... the guy you're going out with has his own baggage also. Let all that come out naturally, and in good time . You're way too obsessed with you're own past ... IMO. You need to relax. I'm not on a date with you and I'm annoyed. I mean no offence.... just being honest ... I hope you get over your past  and find a way to be happy. 
      June 22, 2017 8:55 PM MDT

  • 1138
    So my question is,  if he asks that, 'Have you been in a relationship before?' or, 'How long was your last relationship?' I remain quiet? Also coming out of extreme abuse is not obsessed with my past, it is trying to get PAST  the past and wonder how I might go about all these normal things (like dating/love, confidence) anyone around me, or here even, has gone through normally, with little fear or doubt.
      June 22, 2017 9:08 PM MDT

  • First of all ... he's not going to ask that ... he will assume you have . FYI guys do not ask about past relationships and they don't like when you bring up. If by chance he does, say " I like to leave my past in the past." Second of all... I was in an extremely abusive relationship... my first relationship. Also I had an abusive relationship ( emotionally) with a parent. Like you have. I know I come across mean or blunt. But deal with it on your own time ..: do not put that on someone else. That's yours. Suss it so you can be happy.
      June 22, 2017 9:17 PM MDT

  • 7939
    Yes. I've said it before, but I've only ever been in relationships with men I've known for an extended period of time, with the exception of the most recent one. I've never really "dated." I think being honest about that has helped me clear away the ones that were only interested in casual dating and FWB arrangements. I don't make it a point of conversation, but it inevitably comes up. I'm not going to lie about my past and, by explaining, the guy has a better understanding of where I'm coming from. He either accepts me or he doesn't.
      June 22, 2017 9:05 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Thx J :) The thing is, if he said, 'Have you had a relation ship before, or when was last one?' do I simply say 'no.' Or, 'well I haven't found someone yet..' ? The last part isn't entirely true as I'm not saying' No I have not been in one'.... I commend you for being upfront with those guys, and I LOVE that you said he either accepts me or he doesn't .... Nice :)
      June 22, 2017 9:10 PM MDT

  • 7939
    Say whatever is natural for you and the conversation. I don't think those are natural questions. I usually get asked, "Why did your last relationship end?" or "How long has it been since your last relationship ended?" You don't have to delve into details during the initial discussions. I certainly wouldn't answer "Because my ex was a prick" for the first question. lol (Not at first, anyway. Haha!) By the same token, your "I haven't found anyone I wanted to date/ haven't met that special someone" is just fine. You don't need to elaborate. If the discussion is comfortable, the two of you might start talking about why you haven't dated. Again, you still don't need to mention PTSD and all that, but you can certainly hint around the edges. Be authentic and truthful, without necessarily airing all your dirty laundry up front.

      June 22, 2017 9:57 PM MDT

  • 5354
    I have met too many women whoose only purpose in life seemed to be 'having a boyfriend'. That fosters enough tensions even without adding your PTSD. I would suggest you focus on finding friends, you meet fewer vultures that way, and can be comfortably happy in eachothers company ;-))
      June 22, 2017 10:57 PM MDT

  • 7939
    JakobA- The comment came through as directed at me, but I'm not sure why it would be. That's the same advice, almost verbatim, that I've given Baybreeze in the past- to look for friends and find activities she enjoys first. Baybreeze and I have spoken at length about relationships of all types across multiple threads because we have similar backgrounds, though I've had more time to process mine and have moved on from it.
      June 23, 2017 12:18 AM MDT

  • 1138
    Thx Jakob :) See I WANT to just have ease about this love and dating thang lol ... yet so many guys want hookups (on online sites) right away and it seems most want to rush things :/ So I get intimidated and just decline anyone. I hope to find someone who WILL want to actually get to know me, and me them, before rushing anything serious. Ty for saying this , I really appreciate it :)
      June 23, 2017 7:15 AM MDT

  • 1138
    Yes JA, that's what I meant, 'How long since your last relationship?', and then I'm stumped... if you've had no relationship, it feels very awkward and I feel very low saying that I've not had one (at my age)... but I MUST give up the feeling that it will be 'strange'.. I have had guys tell me , knowing my age, they'd be fine with it if a woman didn't have anyone before.  I just never believe it, and feel they'd still ditch me in some way.. Ty for saying I don't need to elaborate on PTSD either.. I dread telling someone things that might seem like flaws , b/c that is what you don't like to present to someone you like :/  I guess someone kind would accept me and the anxiety... ty so much for being a wonderful presence here J :)
      June 23, 2017 7:18 AM MDT

  • 3523
    Some guys would love it that they could be your first real relationship.
      June 22, 2017 9:29 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Thank you CMI- truly. I've had a few guys say that, and yet I still wonder if it's true. Like they'd find another way in which they didn't like me (the anxiety I have perhaps)... I hope to find someone who is kind and patient, do they exist?? lol. Ty again so much *hugg
      June 23, 2017 7:19 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i would tell them, it might be their first time too, ive never had one myself
      June 23, 2017 3:40 PM MDT