Discussion»Questions»Computers and the Internet» How many devices do you have that connect to the internet? We pay for it through our carrier. WHAT IF we were taxed for it as well?
You are already taxed several times. Many taxes paid in the the price you pay for the device and for the carriers service you receive. Are you talking about an additional tax after you buy the device?
Yes I am Deaves. Taxing based on internet usage. I agree that there are already too many taxes but could a tax be imposed on USE of the internet? A USE TAX? How many internet-reliant devices do you have? Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! :)
It seems to me that would be a HUGE source of money. I guess they would have to monitor each location much like the utility companies do and keep track of how much you use and then send you a bill each month. It would probably be in the billions of dollars don'tcha think? Of course depending upon the tax rate some folks would no longer be able to afford it. Anyway I hope that day doesn't arrive but like you I won't be surprised if it does! Thank you for your additional comment! :)