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I think it is hugely PERVERTED to express lust for your own daughter. Is that what NORMAL guys do or just the ABS?

Posted - July 1, 2017


  • 46117
    He was actually pointing out what a hot woman his child is to men who appreciate hot women.

    Is there a name for that?  

    Panderer?  She is too old for him to be a child molester, so pervert is the best I can manage.

    He gave Howard Stern permission to refer to her as a piece of ass.

    HIS DAUGHTER who wants to push ahead women's rights

      July 1, 2017 8:58 AM MDT

  • 7280
    The key word here is probably "express."

    To that the extent that a man has an obviously attractive daughter (and I couldn't pick his daughter out of a line-up---guess she doesn't do much for me) and she therefore has some genes from the woman whom he felt attracted to (and I assume loved as well) it is normal, healthy, and actually essential for a daughter's self confidence to have a father feel that way about her.

    I have seen a few women in public over the years that to me are so strikingly beautiful that I would be tempted to approach and simply say, "Thank you for existing."

    Trump would be more likely to approach them and say " Let's f**k---while reaching for her small cat."

    Of course, I am somewhat civilized, and I also do not thing that all other people exist solely for my pleasure and amusement. This post was edited by tom jackson at July 1, 2017 10:37 AM MDT
      July 1, 2017 10:37 AM MDT

  • 46117
    The POINT is, TOM, that he is the Leader of the Highest Office in the NATION.

    Anything he says that lacks this much decorum, speaks of a person who cannot think, who doesn't care what words he uses, all because he is entitled.  He  thinks anything that ejects from his pie hole, is entertainment.   He is in love with himself and he has very bad taste.   The fact that people are willing to listen to even one minute of anything he utters sends chills down my spine.  I would rather live in a world of Zombies than living people with no minds who cannot think any longer.  This is Amerika now.

    This is not a President, this is a bad stand-up comedian better suited to some dark theater with gum on the floors and bugers under the seats.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at July 1, 2017 11:01 AM MDT
      July 1, 2017 10:41 AM MDT

  • 7280
    I agree---I was simply addressing the family dynamic. rather than his general crudity.  (Jessica Simpson's father is reported to have done much the same thing years ago, if the internet did in fact accurately report his public comments about Jessica.)

    That's why I said the key word is "express."  Any daughter needs---and is better off for---having a father who considers her attractive and expresses that to her in their family environment, as opposed to promulgating it from the "bully pulpit."

    And I would agree that he has demonstrated that a person no longer possess any of the meaningful characteristics previously required to be president of the USA.

    Truth, civilized conduct, and knowledge of reality are no longer the standard for the (so-called) leader of our country.
      July 1, 2017 11:01 AM MDT

  • 22891
    noone should be perverted to their own daughter
      July 1, 2017 1:28 PM MDT