Discussion » Statements » We the people are far more important to the Pols than they are to one another. We can kick them out without a doubt. Have they forgotten?

We the people are far more important to the Pols than they are to one another. We can kick them out without a doubt. Have they forgotten?

Last I heard the approval rating among we the people for Trumpcare hovers between 17% and 20%. I have no idea why that many folks think it's great but that is an abysmally bad approval rating. Yet the pols keep ignoring us completely. At town halls (for those brave enough to hold them) we the people are giving them he**. Still they are trying to shove this down our throats when they know it will choke us. They don't care. All they care about is pulling one off because when Paul Ryan was a college kid drinking a keg of beer he DREAMED about something like this.  The pols say "we promised to repeal and replace. We are just keeping our promise.: At the expense of we the people you folks are screwing us and charging us for it and giving the ill-gotten gains to the richest among you. If you had a conscience you would be ashamed.

Posted - July 2, 2017


  • 22891
    they mightve forgotten
      July 2, 2017 4:25 PM MDT