Discussion » Statements » Accidental shootings, and how frequent they are.

Accidental shootings, and how frequent they are.

I found a website from a company that make a living specializing in that:
- https://www.aftermath.com/content/accidental-shooting-deaths-statistics

It is more or less an advertisment for their 'cleanup after' business, so I would expect some exaggeration.

But here is the question: Which way would they want to exaggerate?
- Would they play down the danger? to make more people need their services.
- Would they exaggerate the danger? to make fewer people need their services.

I see no real need for them to exaggerate in either direction. As long as people know they exist they will have customers who need their services.

And by just existing they prove it is not all that rare.
The page mention 3,800 fatal shooting accidents in a 6 year period. some 600 pr year or a bit more than 2 a day.

Is that too many?

Posted - July 4, 2017


  • 6477
    I couldn't view the link.. it said something about privacy. But I am not a fan of guns for that reason, and others... so many people are killed by guns and the problem with guns is that the holder of the gun can shoot a lot of people very easily and very quickly.  Knives are NOT nice but overall it's harder to kill someone with a knife and it's way harder to kill lots of people in a short space of time.. 

    I am betting I can't find it now but I saw a site that presented the numbers of murders by shooting, or mass shooting month by month in America.. the numbers are truly shocking.,

    That's not to say there is an easy answer to the gun problem there.. 

    This wasn't the one but
      July 8, 2017 5:10 PM MDT

  • 600 per year out of the population is a pretty low percentage. 
      July 8, 2017 5:17 PM MDT