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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » You only have your perception of what is to go on which means that everything is always subjective and relative. Doesn't it?

You only have your perception of what is to go on which means that everything is always subjective and relative. Doesn't it?

Posted - July 17, 2017


  • 22891
    sounds like it
      July 17, 2017 2:55 PM MDT

  • 7280
    One's judgment is only as good as one's information---which is why education about what it generally means to be a human is so important.

    There are some principles that are generally agreed upon my many people.
      July 17, 2017 3:30 PM MDT

  • 113301
    A few years ago in Texas I  believe the religious zealots in the Education field decided that climate change as a scientific fact should be replaced as well evolution theory. I don't know how far they got but here's the worry. How do we know if what we are being taught/told is true?  Books can be revised to reflect any dogma/ideology. If all we ever do is go to specific schools and specific churches and hang out with people from the same churches who go to the same schools and then attend a religious college where the same line of "truth" is promulgated then we go into the world believing very strongly in things that are religion-based and reject science. I watched a TV show a few years ago where one of  the hosts said the earth was 6000 years old because the Bible told her so. Now the other gals disagreed and talked about archaeology and geology and paleontology and and how the earth was billions of years old and she would have none of it. Multiply her by millions and you see we have a problem Houston. How do you combat that? It isn't their fault. That is what they grew up believing..what their parents told them and their church told them and their schools told them and their university told them. Maybe they work for someone they know whose belief system mirrors theirs. I know you said one's judgment is only as good as one's information. But how do you know the information upon which you base everything is fault or solid? Then you are told other views are lies..fake news. They're brainwashed and don't realize it because their teachers were brainwashed and didn't realize it because their parents were brainwashed and didn't realize it. That is why we will always be divided. There will never be an US. People distrust one another and think "the other' is evil because that's all they know. Woe woe woe woe woe! :(.
      July 18, 2017 12:37 PM MDT