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Discussion » Questions » Religion and Spirituality » Will Donald John redo our currency to say "IN DON WE TRUST" instead of "IN GOD WE TRUST"? Does he have the power to do that too?

Will Donald John redo our currency to say "IN DON WE TRUST" instead of "IN GOD WE TRUST"? Does he have the power to do that too?

Posted - July 23, 2017


  • 6988
    Did you make that up?
      July 23, 2017 12:05 PM MDT

  • 22891
    he might, you never know
      July 23, 2017 2:35 PM MDT

  • 492
    Sure. After he passes away, you can start your prayer with, Our Don who art in heaven ... .
      July 23, 2017 6:03 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Hahahahahahahaha! Good one anti b! That reply just put me in a jolly good mood for which I thank thee. Happy Monday! :)
      July 24, 2017 3:19 AM MDT

  • 492
    Putting a smile on you, puts a smile on me.
      July 24, 2017 4:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    What a very kind person you are. Thank you for telling me that. You know anti b sometimes it's hard to find the funny in things. When you can do so it seems to makes everything better...if only temporarily! :):):) You know what? I'm gonna ask that question! :)
      July 24, 2017 4:37 AM MDT

  • he might as well do it. Eisenhower arbitrarily put God on money in spite of its being unconstitutional. Don is a real person, while God is only fantasy. If god is allowed to be on money, anyone should be allowed to put what he likes on it. I will put, "In Ollga Savinskaya We Trust", on mine.
      July 26, 2017 1:11 PM MDT