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You don't write, you don't call, you don't drop by? ~

Posted - July 23, 2017


  • 46117
    You don't loan, you don't borrow me money you don't just give me some cash?

      July 23, 2017 9:13 PM MDT

  • 53394

    There's no such thing as you don't borrow me money.

      July 23, 2017 9:19 PM MDT

  • 46117
    That's for damned sure.

    Fork it over.
      July 23, 2017 9:20 PM MDT

  • 7938
    You're right. I haven't called. Every time I get your number, something happens and it stops working.

    But, just because you haven't seen me doesn't mean I haven't been by.

    I've sent letters too, and I know you know they came from me. I have to be careful about fingerprints and how I'm signing them off these days, though.
    This post was edited by Just Asking at July 24, 2017 2:09 AM MDT
      July 23, 2017 10:37 PM MDT

  • 53394

    Aha!  So those were your footprints in the mud where you went lurking around the back yard at night!

      July 24, 2017 5:38 AM MDT

  • 17565
    ......and what does that tell you
      July 23, 2017 11:08 PM MDT

  • "See!! That's what I'm talking about!"  I don't do a lot more stuff than that, just for you, and you don't even notice ... do you!?
      July 24, 2017 2:08 AM MDT

  • 22891
    thats because you didnt ask me to stop over
      July 24, 2017 2:42 PM MDT