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Discussion » Questions » Legal » You listen/choose/elect. The electees promise to TRY to do certain things. Should those who break their promises go to jail for lying? Why?

You listen/choose/elect. The electees promise to TRY to do certain things. Should those who break their promises go to jail for lying? Why?

Of course you can't keep all the promises you make if you are dependent on others to comply too but you can always TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY to keep your word and speak up and out and accuse those who prevent you from doing so. Put the blame for letting them down squarely where it belongs. What they do is tell you what you want to hear and once you elect them they screw you! They don't want to hear from you. You are no longer useful. I think they should be punished for using/abusing those who vote. FALSE ADVERTISING is illegal if you can prove it. Isn't it? Whatcha think? There is currently no incentive for pols to tell the truth. The get by with a lie repeatedly. So they keep it up. WHAT IF there are consequences for fooling the public? WHAT IF they have to either shape up or ship out... to jail? WHAT IF they are fined thousands of dollars? They're all seedy greedy cheapskates. Hit 'em where it hurts. That will get their attention.

Posted - July 31, 2017


  • 22891
    probably and then they might learn not to lie next time
      July 31, 2017 1:54 PM MDT