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The American opoid problem either is now or is fast becoming an epidemic. Is it an individual state or federal government problem? Why?

Posted - August 1, 2017


  • 22891
    its a problem no matter where it is
      August 1, 2017 1:18 PM MDT

  • 6988
    Both. The govt. is considering stepping up the war on drugs. Ooopppss!  I mean President Trump and his administration plus Congress. This deal is to benefit both Libs AND Cons. 
      August 1, 2017 1:42 PM MDT

  • 44761
    It's the junkies' problem. Why? They are stupid.
      August 1, 2017 5:51 PM MDT

  • 6988
    Seems that way, but pushers are sneaky, they give this stuff to people in a form other than injection to get them hooked. (oxyconten pills)  The pushers support their own habit by doing this. 
      August 1, 2017 9:47 PM MDT

  • 113301
    No sweetie. Not entirely. My sister is on them. She will be 73 in December. She has a very bad back and has for years. Her doctor monitors her very closely but she will be taking them I guess the rest of her life. She certainly isn't an addict or junkie. They're the only thing that helps her through the pain. I don't know how many millions of people are just like her. So as is true of many things "it's complicated". You know what I don't understand Ele is why can't "they" manufacture drugs that simply help cope with one symptom without creating so many deleterious side effects? Is it purposeful to force you to take meds because of other meds? Thank you for your reply! :)
      August 2, 2017 2:07 AM MDT