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Have you ever considered becoming a hermit?

Serioulsy.  Sometimes I think I would find true happiness if I lived in a cabin in the woods and all I had to do was sit on my porch and listen to the wind blow through the trees.  There I could stay in bed as long as I want and no one would know.  There wouldn't be anyone to be considerate of or to make concessions for.  Am I just kidding myself?

Posted - August 2, 2017


  • I almost am one at this point.
    I live in a trailer on some property that I own way out in the country.
    I'm surrounded by trees, I have campfires and I sit outside on my swing relaxing or I go for a walk and think about life.
    I just go into town to work or to buy supplies.
    It's very peaceful, but I get cabin fever after a while and if I want to date a woman I've got to find an outdoorsy kinda gal who finds my lifestyle appealing.
    Can you find true happiness out here in the woods?
    I know you can find privacy and enjoy peace and quiet out here but happiness really does come from loved ones because the longer I spend isolated the more I start to feel like life is going by without me.
    It's a good place to recharge, get sleep, get in shape and figure out what you want, but living out in the woods year round is a bit extreme.
    I do get lost in my own little world sometimes and it's not totally healthy.
    I hope you find happiness wherever you are. : )
      August 2, 2017 3:12 AM MDT

  • 46117
    It wouldn't work for me. 

    Living completely alone is not something I have ever been trained for.  Here is a tree house I could handle but it has to have other residents as well.

      August 2, 2017 7:39 AM MDT

  • That's awesome!!
      August 2, 2017 7:43 AM MDT

  • 53686

    Nope, not my style. 
      August 2, 2017 5:23 AM MDT

  • 44752
    That's about how my life is right now.
      August 2, 2017 7:36 AM MDT

  • I know I would enjoy being a hermit, at least for a while. I could absolutely live alone in the woods. Don't know if I could do it for too long, though. I'd need some human contact after a while. 
      August 2, 2017 9:28 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i feel like one now but not by choice, people make me one when they wont hang out with me
      August 2, 2017 3:19 PM MDT

  • 19937
    How much effort to you make to hang out with THEM?
      August 2, 2017 7:41 PM MDT

  • 1713
    Only if I can keep my electricity. I do love my computers.
      August 2, 2017 5:47 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I can be alone for days at a time without talking to another human being, but after a while, I do need to have a conversation with someone, even if it is the cashier in the supermarket. :)
      August 2, 2017 7:42 PM MDT