Yup.. Read about here. Turns out the victim was a therapist who was protecting his patient, an autistic man, who was holding a toy truck in his hand.
The cop SAID he was aiming at the guy with the TOY in his hand.. Oh, well, that clears it up..
Ya I seen that on the news last night pretty crazy. Cheers and happy weekend!
I don't know, that toy might of been a nuclear devise of some kind, or quite possibly could of been a container of a lethal nerve gas, lol. What ever excuse that --shole cop uses, he won't see a day in jail.
Sad story, but I do appreciate your parody.
Spot on.
Your question (and the embedded link) illustrates what's truly sad about this situation.
For some reason (fear? authoritarianism? bigotry? all of the above?), what the "Blue Lives Matter" crowd doesn't seem to get is African-Americans are protesting incidents like this one. Charles Kinsey was NOT the threat here. Even the cops admit it.
Yet, after being shot, he's shoved to the ground and handcuffed? WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K? What POSSIBLE justification can there be for such behavior?
It reminds me of a video I saw last year of an incident (I believe in the Seattle area) where an African-American man was victimized at a shopping mall by a robber who bull-rushed him, collided with him, and then ran off with some of his prroperty. The intrepid mall security, instead of chasing down the (white) culprit, PEPPER-SPRAYED the victim and dragged him into custody. This despite dozens of witnesses shouting at them, "He's the victim! He was robbed! Go get the other guy!"
No one (well, almost no one. There are a few kooks) is defending people who genuinely menace the police. But the fact African-Americans commit crimes and menace police out of proportion to their population frequency DOES NOT JUSTIFY police abuse of innocent African-Americans. It has been going on since our country was founded and it needs to stop.
It is a sad situtation. They officer says he did not mean to shoot the therapist. The officers were there because someone called 911 saying someone had a gun and threatening suicide. The officer says he thought the patient was going to shoot the therapist. That is why the officer shot but the officer missed and hit the therapist who the officer says he was protecting.
The officer thought it was a gun. That is why 911 was called....man with a gun.
The federal government does not run state and local LE, but does have 70+ law enforcement entities.
That the federal government does have police forces.
Yes, but not police that patrol the cities and assist or arrest local people.
I believe I said as much above. I was simply pointing out a fact that few seem to be aware of.
No they are not, but few people are aware of just how many federal agencies have their own police departments, it goes well beyond the FBI, DEA, SS and others that people are aware of, there are over 70 of them. The EPA, FDA and USDA, among others have them and many are now being armed with SWAT equipment.
Hello Stu:
If I have to explain the joke, it's not funny.. But, I guess I better, cause only ONE person got it... We have a contributor on here who always starts his posts like I did, but they're about how many cops Obama got killed.. I thought it would be fun to turn the tables on him.
I thought this was a Delivering the Truth question.
Shame on you for presenting it this way. You had a valid point here, but OBAMA? Please. The police nor Obama are not responsible for the creeps in uniform. I don't think Obama is behind this behavior.
Now that said, the story is indicative of what is happening all over the place lately. I know this goes on, but this is like an epidemic as of late.
And that's why the police put Kinsey on the ground and handcuffed him after they shot him?
How do you explain that?
Please, you seem more sensible than the rest of the Usual Suspects. Exactly how many unconscionable acts do police have to commit against the African-American community before you'll stop apologizing for them? What do they have do? Flash-bang an entire orphanage while serving a parking ticket? Shoot up an entire NAACP chapter because one of them lifted up a can of Coke which an officer thought was a gun?
Please let us know just how craven and reckless you're willing to let police be so long as they confine their criminality to Nig...er, poor/urban/ethnic people. We'd really like to know.
@DJAM -- I believe excon was parodying the style of Moron...er, DTT.
I thought it was kind of clever.
From what I saw, the officer that fired should be fired, perhaps charges too. Perhaps the others should be reprimanded and retrained?