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Discussion » Questions » Legal » You know during the election process the voting machines weren't messed with. What is crucial that you can never know?

You know during the election process the voting machines weren't messed with. What is crucial that you can never know?

How much the brains/emotions/attitudes/opinions of the voters were messed with.  How much the Russian leaking and hacking and misinformationing and colluding screwed with much the Comey disclosures timed as they were to do the most damage seemingly..did the most damage much the singsong robotic mechanical attacks of "lock her up"(led at one point by that probable CRIMINAL Mike Flynn) affected the election outcome. Did it change it? We will never know the answer to that question. Never. Ever. SIGH

Posted - August 7, 2017


  • 46117
    You know during the election process the voting machines weren't messed with.

    Sorry.  I do not know.  Not even remotely do I know.

      August 7, 2017 9:31 AM MDT

  • 22891
    that sounds crucial to me
      August 7, 2017 1:56 PM MDT