Discussion » Questions » Language » The purpose of using firey rhetoric is do what? Inflame/intimidate/bully/impress? Get attention? Flex a muscle? What does it do for YOU?

The purpose of using firey rhetoric is do what? Inflame/intimidate/bully/impress? Get attention? Flex a muscle? What does it do for YOU?

Posted - August 9, 2017


  • 6477
    'It's not a feeling, it's a thought; there is a vast difference between the two.' LOL don't you go getting all pedantic on me :P  I can pedant til the cows come home :P Seriously though, this is my thing, psychology, people..  When we have a thought we often also have feelings, maybe we don't accept that but we do.. You clearly don't, erm *appreciate* the poster... you make that clear.. there ARE feelings there.. and they show..That's probably the nub of what concerns me.. 

    I am willing to accept I may have missed something.. for arguments sake but we can only comment on what we see before us.. facts.. and factually I have never, but never seen the poster you refer to say anything unkind..   I operate on logic.. I can only comment on what I see. I cannot comment on conjecture.  

    As to her complimenting me.. hmm she and I have had some quite intense, in terms of content, discussions.. I have not always agreed with her, nor she me - and true to her word and conviction if she doesn't agree she will say so.. This has given me opportunity to discuss and explain. Personally I welcome that.. just as I welcome the opportunity here for us both to discuss our feelings and motivations..   As  I say, she and I have disagreed.. we have engaged in discussion about the matter.  We didn't necessarily agree at the end of it but nothing has changed in terms of how she treats me. If you say different then I can only speak as I find. 

    If I have complimented the poster you refer to - then please rest assured it was because I felt it was deserved. NO false praise here.. I speak as I find.. So in that.. we would seem to be likeminded; hard to see how we can still end up with such a differing conclusion but I continue to have respect that you have allowed me this opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings with you on this subject. 
      August 11, 2017 12:07 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Whose firing what rhetoric?   That is the question.  

    Zealots often get attention with that insane drive they have to reach whatever goal they wish to achieve. 

    But passion can be a useful fire.   And you don't have to be loud to fire it either.

      August 11, 2017 11:32 AM MDT

  • 53412
    Good points, Sharonna. Fiery rhetoric isn't always a negative. 

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      August 11, 2017 12:05 PM MDT