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Discussion » Questions » Emotions » Which do you deplore more? Being obviously pandered to/brown nosed/sucked up to or ignored completely? Why?

Which do you deplore more? Being obviously pandered to/brown nosed/sucked up to or ignored completely? Why?

Posted - August 11, 2017


  • 5354
    Hard to answer, both are unpleasant and any specific instance can be so to a greater or lesser extent.
      August 11, 2017 5:23 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I'd far rather be ignored JakobA. Sometimes in some situations I have wished I were INVISIBLE. So I'd opt for that in a heartbeat. Being ignored can be blissful.  Different strokes. I'm gonna ask that question. Thank you for your reply! :)
      August 12, 2017 2:57 AM MDT

  • 13071
    What makes you think i deplore any of those things?
      August 11, 2017 6:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    That's precisely why I ask questions cp. So you can tell me what you think, how you feel. You did not answer the question. You questioned it which is of no help to me whatsoever. I shall assume by your question that neither one of those would bother you at all. Because you have given me nothing to work with here and I am not a mind reader. Thank you for your question. It is unanswerable of course. SIGH
      August 12, 2017 2:55 AM MDT

  • 10656
    Neither. And I like it when you ignore me. Keep it up! 
      August 11, 2017 8:55 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i hate being ignored completely which is something ive been dealing with a lot lately
      August 11, 2017 4:55 PM MDT