Discussion»Questions»Relationships» If you've been through five or more relationship breakups, have you introspected on what about YOU might have caused them?
Nope, I'm just kidding. I've only been married to one woman, and that started when I was in my early 20s. I don't have a whole lot of "serious relationship" history on which to draw. Most of my liaisons beyond that were hit-and-run incidents or search-and-destroy missions. No one expected anything more, so no one got hurt.
Yes. I do introspect to the point of obsession so I don't do that one again.
I wish I could just let something go easily, but the pain it causes both people makes me never want to have to repeat it.
Ugh. I usually go for long-term relationships. I don't go in for those quickie things so I take a long time with whom I am thinking about putting in that place. I am totally fine by myself because I am never really by myself no matter what unless I want to be.
If we introspect honestly and deeply we find we also had a hand in the breakup. I've been through only one really bad breakup, which, looking back, I could have prevented if I'd kept my emotions under tighter control.
In order to 'get back together' we would have had to have been together in the first place. Stalking someone does not constitute a relationship, please respect the restraining order.
Since I'd be the common denominator, it would be foolish not to do a certain amount of introspection. Otherwise it would be like continuing to crash every car I own because I don't want to learn the difference between the accelerator and the brake. While that knowledge wouldn't completely eliminate the possibility of an accident, it would greatly increase the odds of a safe journey.