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Waiters and waitresses, how many separate checks are too many separate checks?


Posted - August 28, 2017


  • 10026
    I wouldn't have the heart to fire you Randy D.  In fact, think of all the fun rumors we could start?!  There are few things more entertaining and creatively complied than In-house restaurant gossip.
    The possibilities are endless.  There are so many avenues that could start them and play-on words, it could be a romantic comedy!  We  would  be kicking back, laughing our a88es off in the back row, watching all the rumors and innuendos fly!!  It would be hilarious!!  I would do it here but for fear of getting too hilariously graphic (only because of the words used in the business and strategically placed,) I will refrain.  
    It is really all in the other person's mind while the whole time, you and I wouldn't be doing a thing wrong.  
    Thanks for the compliment Randy D.  I'll tell Don so you don't have to.  He's dealt with it before and the Bee Bee gun is under lock and key!  Winks and Smiles.  You made my day! ;) ;)

    This post was edited by Merlin at August 30, 2017 9:05 AM MDT
      August 30, 2017 8:56 AM MDT

  • 53567

    Waiter Number 1: "How come that Randy D character gets all the days off he asks for?  He's only been here a few days, I've been here almost six months!"

    Waiter Number 2: "You think that's bad, I heard he doesn't have to split his tips with the busboys like the rest of us do!"

    Busboy: "¿Qué?"

    Waitress Number 1: "They even let him rewrite the next publication of new menus, they say he's some kind of English whiz."

    Waitress Number 2: "Maybe he's related to the boss lady or something."

    Waiter Number 2:
    "Are you blind? They look nothing alike."

    Waiter Number 1: "Do you think he's got something going on with her?"

    Busboy: "¿De que están hablando?"

    Cook: "She gave him my parking space. MY parking space!"

    Hostess: "I heard they're going to let him select the music from now on."

    Waiter Number 2: "He showed up late on his third day, she only joked with him about it!  I got chewed out when I did something like that!"

    Waitress Number 2: "He's an incurable flirt, you know. He can barely stay away from me."

    Waiter Number 1: "You say that about all men."

    Waitress Number 1: "Why does he spend so much time with her in her office with the door closed, that's what I want to know."

    Waiter Number 2: " I was scheduled to go home early last night, instead, she had me close the joint and let him leave early. The next thing I knew, she was gone too."

    Hostess: "Maybe it was just a coincidence."

    Busboy: "Nadie me dice nada, nunca sé que está pasando."

    Cook: "She told me that when he's on break, I have to cook him anything he wants."

    Waitress Number 2: "Really?  I see him more of a sandwich kind of guy."

    Waitress Number 1: "You probably just want him for yourself."

    Hostess: "That's a good way to get on the boss lady's bad side if she's already claimed him."

    Waiter Number 2: "He's not even that good at this job, I don't think he has any experience at all."

    Waiter Number 1: "Maybe she hired him for 'other types' of experience."

    Busboy: "¿Quién?"

    Cook: "Look out, here he comes!"

    Waitress Number 2: "False alarm; he's headed straight for her office, and look, he closed the door behind him. Again."

    Hostess: "You would notice that, wouldn't you?"

    Waitress Number 2: "He is kind if cute, you know . . "

    Hostess: "We should all back to work anyway.  Let's go, disperse, disperse."

    Busboy: "¿Cuál 'purse'?  No veo ninguna bolsa de mano.  ¡Vos gabachos son locos!"


      August 31, 2017 12:45 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Thank you Shar~  I hope Walt knows I wasn't talking about a business meeting, Christian or not.  If is has to do with business, the BUSINESS should pick up the tab and no one should have to pay the bill.  I still think the tip is important when it comes to the personal dining experience.  I used to tip the cooks at the end of the night if we were exceptionally busy or if they had done an outstanding job.  Either that or buy them a beer.  When you work at fine dining restaurants it is not only the waiter but 5 other people waiting on you.  It is the waiter's responsibility to split the tip among all.  When it came to "tip-out," I always over-tipped my co-workers.   Even though I've worked at many different qualities of restaurants, my favorites are the hole-in-walls that few know of but the locals.  Working those are the funnest and the best :)  The customers are who allow you to have a job.  Making them happy is job assurance; however, for me, it also about doing everything in my power to help them have a nice time.
    No matter what, I always have a buck for someone who doesn't.  
    Wait.. I'm putting this is under the wrong comment, hu?  Anyway, Walt and I are friends from years back.  Hi Walt!  It's great to see you, as always!  I hope you saw the eclipse.  I was up in John Day with my in-laws.  It was breathtaking and cosmically moving.  Thanks Shar and Walt for your input on this question.  It helped me a lot too in understanding how others think.  :) :)
      August 30, 2017 9:50 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Like I said, I would love to work for you.
      August 30, 2017 9:57 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Shar ((((happy goosebumps))))!! ;)
    Your PIMP Daddy story was a classic.  I'm sorry but I had to laugh.  I'm sure it was extremely frustrating and tried every nerve in your body.  I would have also had wanted to dump that entire tub of ice cream over him and all those screaming, ill-mannered, running and screaming-about kids.  And the audacity of them only leaving you 5 bucks is not only insulting but also heart wrenching.  
    People don't realize how demanding and distracting kids are in a restaurant.  I think there should be a law that says:
    We have no booster chairs
    Children are not allowed to speak or leave the table at any time
    Crackers are 5 dollars a packet
    25 dollars are automatically added to your bill if you desire to bring your child into our establishment.
    Any adult acting out in a child-like behavior will also be given this 25 dollar punishment
    Have a nice dining time.
    Thank you.
    The management.
    Also, Shar,  I applaud you for being able to work at Dennys.  Learning that menu must have been quite a task in itself.  Don, who is a HUGE Denny's fan, even says working there must be a drag.  Wearing the brown polyester and dealing with screaming kids, drunken partiers who are trying to sober up before they go home at 2 am and the poor elderly who we all love but can't help themselves, must be one of the most trying jobs in the universe.  In this household, our hats are off to you!!  Speaking of, it's that time again and I've got to go get ready for work.  
    See you tomorrow and as always, it's great to chat and share life-experiences with you.  :) :)

    This post was edited by Merlin at August 30, 2017 10:24 AM MDT
      August 30, 2017 10:20 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Before I read this (AND I WILL SAVOR EVERY WORD) I need to let you know I was working for  30-year- olds who had no clue how to run a restaurant properly.  They liked the idea that the restaurant was full.  They ignored the fact that the restaurant was empty because these clowns took over an entire room, I was the only waitress and there were 3 other rooms I could not get to.

    What kind of management thinks like this?  The Graveyard shift at Denny's in Oak Park, Illinois. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 30, 2017 10:31 AM MDT
      August 30, 2017 10:23 AM MDT

  • 3
    "They may be really good at math but it isn't their job to sort out personal conflicts on your bill.  It is itemized out for you."

    Actually unless the restaurant doesn't let separate checks, it actually **IS** VERY MUCH SO THEIR JOB YOU LAZY JERK! Servers are responsible for EVERYTHING relating to the bill EVERYTHING, prices and even if the tax rates are correct or not BEFORE serving the check to the customer.

      September 4, 2017 9:35 AM MDT

  • 3
    "Take the total and divide it among the number of people."

    That's UNFAIR! At times I have gotten 3 mixed drinks that are very expensive, WHY should the friends of mine pay for MY expensive mixed drinks, huh? NO, that's not fair.  If I get a burger and they get a steak, I am SURE THE HELL NOT GOING to pay for their $25 steak if I just got a burger.  YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME???
      September 4, 2017 9:39 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Hi Springs1~  You are more than welcome to divide your checks up anyway you like.  I'm not judging you nor taking away your abilities.
    I am simply stating money to me is not as important as my friends or the time I spend with them.  
    Your way is great for you and mine is great for me.  Our circle of friends I'm sure will agree with both of us.
    No harm. No foul.  
    Have a great  Labor Day. :) This post was edited by Merlin at September 4, 2017 10:53 AM MDT
      September 4, 2017 10:29 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Also, I'm sorry for my ignorance in not gently pointing out, I think I stated this slight misunderstanding under #5.
    This indicates You are responsible for your own actions.  This does include what you drink, you eat in accordance to how much you can spend, and how you treat your friends and your server.  According to the United States, after 18, it is all up to you. This post was edited by Merlin at September 4, 2017 10:50 AM MDT
      September 4, 2017 10:46 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Hi sweets~ I'm out of the shower and do want to say, I agree.  It is impossible to know how to do your job efficiently if there isn't a captain who knows how to do each and every job in every aspect of his team and establishment.
    In order to lead, never ask someone to do a job you cannot do yourself and help guide them through.  Anticipate a problem.  Approach a situation with a solution.  Draw out a plan and share it with your employees.  STICK to your word so your employees know they have some stability to fall back on and believe in.  As a manager, you want your employees to be safe, feel secure in their abilities and help them give the best service they can.  Throwing them to wolves, like he did was not fair to you or to anyone.  That party was too big for one person no matter how good they are. Having the whole floor was OUT of the question.  He should have at least thrown on an apron and got out there and helped you.  Even watering or bussing tables would have helped you stay a little ahead of the already impossible task.  That is Not management.  That is insanity!!  You should not feel badly for any waitressing ability you have.  If you could handle 3 tables that is more than most.  The whole restaurant and Pimp daddy?  My goodness, my dear.  He was poorly hired.  He did not have management ability.  If I were ever to have hired him, he would have started like the rest of us, as a busy boy or something like that.  Don't get me wrong.  I loved my bussers.  They are just as important, if not more so in some instances, than the waiters.  They are the rock that makes the floor turn smoothly.  Maybe there he could start grasping the concept of how difficult this business is. Gotta run!  Hugs and loves!
      August 30, 2017 10:53 AM MDT