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Waiters and waitresses, how many separate checks are too many separate checks?


Posted - August 28, 2017


  • 46117
    I cannot TELL you how irritating it was.  I don't waitress any longer, but when I did, it was a HUGE hassle. 

    A freaking HUGE pain in the butt.  This is not the fault of the people who dine, it is the fault of the management who could not figure out how not to make this a HUGE hassle.

      August 28, 2017 11:06 AM MDT

  • 3
    "but when I did, it was a HUGE hassle."

    You servers or former servers want your 20%, but don't want to do the amount of **WORK*** for it! You sound VERY LAZY!
      September 4, 2017 9:36 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I don't know the answer.. I am not a fan of separate  bills myself. I prefer to all muck in together and share the bill. The last experience I had of splitting the bill was when I said, I would happily just share it equally. Someone, a better soul than I, offered to work it all out so we, in effect split it ourselves.. It turned out that mine was the second cheapest meal :) I'd have paid more to be honest and would have been fine with that.
      August 28, 2017 2:22 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Beautiful!!!  I totally agree!
      August 29, 2017 10:22 AM MDT

  • 23793

    Again, I chime in with no answer other than that image of the "50 Separate Checks -  Ain't Nobody Got Time for That" Woman is perfect!
      August 28, 2017 6:05 PM MDT

  • I've never been a waiter, but doesn't  ... "50 separate checks include 50 separate tips?"  Doesn't sound so bad! :))
      August 28, 2017 6:13 PM MDT

  • 46117
    oh honey, it NEVER does.
      August 29, 2017 10:30 AM MDT

  • Forty-nine?
      August 29, 2017 4:39 PM MDT

  • 2327
    Any more than 2 was annoying for me when I used to wait. 

      August 28, 2017 7:46 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Mel Brooks deserves a special place in heaven for his contributions.  This is hilarious.
      August 29, 2017 10:31 AM MDT

  • 23793
    I'm with Shar to the Rona again on this one, righty1! This scene had me howling - - possibly the funniest scene in the entire movie to me.
      August 29, 2017 12:44 PM MDT

  • 6023
    Depends on the tip.

      August 28, 2017 9:06 PM MDT

  • 46117
    And when do you get to ask as a server, what the tip is going to be?

    I worked at a Denny's and had to put up with serving a PIMP.  I'm not kidding.  He was famous.  He took his whores to the restaurant.  There were at least 30 of them and they had their kids.  I was supposed to serve them their 3 course meal, drinks and make ice cream desserts  for all of them, serve them all special orders and wait on them hand and foot, so I could not wait on any one else for two hours.

    They left me $5.

    I was new there at the time, that is how I got stuck with this mess, and it was the hardest 2 hours of my life.  I wanted to dump the ice cream on that moron's head.  But I didn't know better and I needed that stupid job back then.

    Today, if they did that?  I would demand that the owner charge them for their time or else walk out. And before I walked out?  I would tell the pimp off in language he would always remember me for.

    I would be nice and clear.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 29, 2017 11:31 AM MDT
      August 29, 2017 10:34 AM MDT

  • 6023
    My point is that if a group is going to ask for separate bills, then each person should pay a tip as well.

    I go to lunch/dinner with co-workers occasionally.  We are not "friends" that I would follow Merlin's point #1.  
    Nor have I ever been to a restaurant where the server doesn't have a pad, which they can write down each order separately.
    But we all pay our individual tips, so the staff makes more than if we paid a single tip.

    Btw - there is also the concern about some people's food getting cold, if ordered as a single order, while waiting for everyone's food to be ready and brought at the same time. 
      August 29, 2017 12:12 PM MDT

  • 46117
    You are a prince among customers.  Let me tell you. 

    Seriously.  I thank you on behalf of the entire restaurant world.
      August 29, 2017 12:13 PM MDT

  • 6023
    btw - I worked waitstaff, dish crew, and housekeeping at a "Christian" conference center.
    The best tippers, and least demanding - men.
    The worst tippers, and most demanding - rich women.
      August 29, 2017 1:34 PM MDT

  • 53565

    Walt, I live in Southern California, and beginning about five years ago here, a new trend developed wherein the majority of waiters and waitresses stopped carrying pads on which orders were written down, instead they "memorize" customers' orders.  The check comes at the end of the meal just like before, but at ordering time, zippo. I guess it's supposed to be impressive or something that they remember entire orders, who knows why it started?  So, while I don't eat out at sit-down restaurants often even to verify the overall accuracy of the method, I do admit that I was taken aback by it when it happened with me the first time. As it has since become the widespread m.o. here, and because it's still being used years later, I doubt that many will revert back to pen and pad. 

      August 29, 2017 12:22 PM MDT

  • 6023

    Considering how many times the cook can't seem to get my steak cooked how I order it anyway ... yeah, I want it in writing.  LOL

    I was at a restaurant last week that had iPads (or tablets of some sort) to record the orders.
    I've even heard of restaurants that have tablets at the table, and you enter your order that way.
    I figure the next thing will be to automate the food delivery.


    EDIT:  Well ... I just read Domino's Pizza and Ford are teaming up to test self-driving delivery cars in Michigan.

    This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at August 29, 2017 2:54 PM MDT
      August 29, 2017 1:32 PM MDT

  • 16934
    Two. Sort it out among yourselves, I don't have time for separate accounts.
      August 29, 2017 12:12 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Being on both sides, I say this with conviction:
    #1)  If you are dining/drinking among friends, money should be the least of your worries.  The whole experience is about sharing and enjoying your time together.  Take the total and divide it among the number of people.  If you know someone had a salad and the other had a steak,.. you are friends.  Do a few extra bucks for the time you had REALLLLLLLY mean more than an uncomfortable argument you will have because of it?  They are your friends for Pete's sake.  
    #2)  If you see you are going to be uncomfortable with the splitting of a bill, offer to pay the tip.
    #3)  If it is a first date and one person picks up the bill, common etiquette says, again, at least OFFER to pay the tip.
    #4)  DO NOT ask your server to do this for you.  They are hired to be knowledgeable about the food the restaurant serves, do so in a pleasant and timely fashion, and charge you accordingly.  They may be really good at math but it isn't their job to sort out personal conflicts on your bill.  It is itemized out for you.  How you decide who pays what is up to you.  If they do their job well, you will have a very enjoyable experience and reward them well.  Don't take your personal financial conflicts out on them.  It is not their job.  It is yours.
    #5)  Be considerate to your friends and your server.  Own up to your end of the dining experience and have a great time. This post was edited by Merlin at August 31, 2017 3:10 AM MDT
      August 29, 2017 10:34 AM MDT

  • 46117
    You really see how people were raised when you see their behavior under these stupid circumstances, Wiz.

    I had a magnificent boyfriend who was a great waiter.  He could do this since he was waiting on people before he was even old enough to work in the restaurant he bus boyed in.  SO, that is the kind of waiter that makes $500 a week.  LOL

    I am not.  You give me a bunch of separate checks that I entered?  Cross your fingers and pray.

    I hate nitpickers and I hate worse being in a group where some people leave without paying their share and the rest of us are stuck with the bill.

    So IGNORANT.  (digressing)

    People who eat out in restaurants and treat the waiter like they are not human do not eat out with me ever again.

      August 29, 2017 10:39 AM MDT

  • 10026
    I love you Shar!!!  You can eat and drink at my restaurant for free, anytime!!  You will have to tip my employees, though!  Big giggles and hugs! I'm off to work and thank you for sending me off with a smile!! This post was edited by Merlin at August 30, 2017 9:04 AM MDT
      August 29, 2017 10:49 AM MDT

  • 46117
    If your servers work for a person like yourself?  I would never have quit waitressing in the first place. 
    You are amazing.
      August 29, 2017 12:14 PM MDT

  • 53565

    In my case, if I worked for Merlin, I'd be fired within the first week for having a crush on the boss lady. 

    ~ This post was edited by Randy D at August 31, 2017 12:07 AM MDT
      August 29, 2017 2:30 PM MDT