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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » How often do you go off on a riff and merrily roll along? Not a rant. A riff. Fun, aren't they?

How often do you go off on a riff and merrily roll along? Not a rant. A riff. Fun, aren't they?

Usually associated with music, jazz in particular, where a musician just takes off musically and doesn't know where he is going but gets there anyway. It can also happen with thoughts. You start one place and follow the energy and sometimes you follow it to surprising places. Sometimes it takes awhile to get back to your starting point. Sometimes it changes you a little. Ever experienced a riff like that?

Posted - August 30, 2017


  • 6988
    Well, yes, in music------- such as the long musical middle of The Doors'  hit song from 1967; 'Light My Fire'. 
      August 30, 2017 7:33 AM MDT

  • 113301
     Not in thought? Thank you for your reply bh.
      August 31, 2017 2:05 AM MDT

  • "I only do that on the weekends. I live in a quiet neighborhood and I don't want to have to move."
      August 30, 2017 7:53 AM MDT