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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Focus only on your own plate. Pay no attention to your surroundings. You are only responsible for you. Is that what you do? Why?

Foc\us only on your own plate. Pay no attention to your surroundings. You are only responsible for you. Is that what you do? Why?

 Does what others say/do affect you at all? Any opinions or reactions? Or do you brickwall everyone and eyes ahead straightforward move on detached from others? Why? You cannot control what others say/do but surely if they affect you for good or ungood you can speak up and give your opinion. Do you?

Posted - September 3, 2017


  • 53686

    What is "Foc\us"?  Oh, I see, it's another opportunity to correct yourself, but since that's akin to admitting you made a mistake, it's best to simply ignore it. 

    Pretending it didn't happen or pretending it's meaningless, meh, best practice. 
      September 3, 2017 8:04 AM MDT

  • Finally you speak some logical truth.  
    We are only responsible and can change\control ourselves.  Not to mention the only ones we have an moral authority to do so.  One of the most admirable qualities one can and should have is an inclination to mind ones own damn buisiness.
      September 3, 2017 12:05 PM MDT