Actually yes! I was passing near the house where I grew up, a couple of weeks ago. The property that backed up to it was owned by a widow named Mrs. Birdie (I kid you not). She had a beautiful house that sat on 2 gorgeous park like acres. Now, her house is gone, the property was sub-divided, and 4 McMansions sit there.
I can still recall Mrs. Birdie's voice as she yelled at me to get off her property. lol.
I found out last week that my county has approved a resort project to be built on the harbor. This place has been untouched by the vulgar and tacky resort industry until now. This is going to be a 20 acre monstrosity with a whole little city within (not incorporated) and condominium towers (thank God they only allowed them to be six stories), restaurants, bars, shopping, clinic, etc. etc. etc. A Las Vegas outfit. Enough said.