Discussion»Questions»Life and Society» Do you really want to live in a world in whch everyone is exactly like thee? Views, opinions, passions, beliefs? Is BORING your cuppa tea?
No. What astounds me is when I meet someone I just love and find they love Donald Trump. That happened to me with my best friend, Cindy. I loved her before I found out she loved Trump or we may never have gotten very far. But? Then again, I think we would have gotten through it. That is just it, we get along. I cannot fault her, because she is really the most sincere, kind woman alive. Never thinks of herself. She loves being the one who helps other people. Why she thinks Trump is like this is BEYOND ME. I think she just cannot really conceive of the truly evil sometimes.
You won't get any argument from me about that sweetie! Thank you for your reply Addb and Happy Saturday to thee! Seriously though can you think of a duller life than having everyone agree all the time about everything everywhere? I suppose boredom would be a good trade-off to wars though. If we all always agree what would there be to fight about? Gadzooks! :(
This post was edited by RosieG at September 9, 2017 2:38 AM MDT
You are so right! I am, by nature, a debater.. I like to discuss and debate and you just cannot do that if someone just says, 'Yep, I agree' all the time :)
Precisely! The key is to maintain civility and dare I say cordiality. It's very easy to disagree without being disagreeable. But I honestly think some folks savor being disagreeable. I don't know why. I can't even guess. Thank you for your reply Addb. :) ((hugs))
No, some of the best friendships or relationships I've ever known were with people of vastly different ideas from my own. There is one caveat however, those passions, views and opinions must have a kernel of truth about them and not be something that is more at home in a book of Grimm's Fairy Tales.