As I said in my answer men in tribal religion stay at home and look after the children, while the women go out and forage. Amazon women did the hunting. We see many changes in roles these days, in India many women work because their men chew Pann and are addicted to it, many women in China work long shifts in factories. Here women work and men stay at home although this is in the minority. In many singe parent families it is the women looking after the children. It isn't black and white. However, I do feel that children lose out when they are raised from birth by the state, when they are put into day care from birth, not many years ago, psychologists told us that the psychological development of children in their early years is of utmost importance to how they will be able to handle themselves when they are older. I believe a child who is brought up in the home by a parent, is going to be far more better off psychologically than a child thrust into state care. Children that used to be thrust into state care, normally single mothers, were called Latch key kids. Now state care is becoming the norm, because women have wanted equal rights with men to work, I'm not saying that is wrong, but as a result of that the state now demands that both parents work if their income is not substantial, where before the state fully accepted the women staying at home without any pressure. Hence the child always had a parent there for them. Mother's always wanted to stay at home over the men, because women breast feed, in tribal culture men let the babies suckle at their nipples but of course they cannot feed them while the mum is away, and I am a strong believer in breast is best. Breast Milk is designed for human consumption, other milk is not, rarely will you see a goat suckling from a horse, animals feed their young their own milk. Women also carry the pregnancy, hence they are often more bonded to the child, (not always), but often are because they have kept them inside them, then afterwards they are bonded to them by breast feeding. I'm talking psychology. It's almost become unfashionable for a women to want to be a stay at home mother, women now are expected to have their children and a full time job, and so someone else has to have their child.
I disagree with men viewing women as if they are someone there to take care of them. A relationship or marriage should be about mutual respect. You will normally find that a man who speaks derogatively about women, has probably dated gold diggers because he wants a dolly bird on his arm. I certainly disagree with adverts like this, relationships are about respect and balance.
These days adverts are not aimed at stereotypical women as housewives, but aimed at women being sex objects (objectified), not intelligent, not helpful, and this is what happens because consumerism is often run by men.