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"I don't want it but I don't wany anyone else to have it"! WHAT? If you don't want something why do you care who does? How is that logical?

Posted - September 18, 2017


  • 46117


      September 18, 2017 9:50 AM MDT

  • 591
    It is 100% logical when it comes to communicable diseases.
      September 18, 2017 2:27 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Touche. On the other hand would that include any enemies who would like see harm come to you? Are you that noble that you wish harm to come to no one...not even in your wishful thinking dreams? Thank you for your reply MasterC and Happy Tuesday to thee.
      September 19, 2017 3:30 AM MDT

  • 591
    Just came accross this article in today's London Telegraph.

    Seldom has the term "dirty money" been more appropriate.

    The discovery of tens of thousands of euros flushed down Geneva toilets has left detectives perplexed.

    Bundles of shredded €500 notes were discovered blocking toilets near the safe-deposit room of a branch of the UBS bank, and also in the lavatories of three nearby restaurants.

    Prosecutors say they are still to identify who felt flush enough to literally pour money down the drain.

    Investigators told the Tribune de Genève newspaper they suspect it may have belonged "to Spanish women who placed it in a safe-deposit box several years ago".

    Police have not disclosed the women’s identities and are unsure why they would have wanted to dispose of it. Detectives are attempting to determine whether it was the proceeds of crime or stolen.

    A lawyer acting for the women went to police headquarters last month, where he was questioned but provided little information.

    He handed over money to pay for repairs to the toilets of the bank and the restaurants, which had to spend thousands of euros getting them unclogged.

    But he offered no explanation about why money belonging to his clients, who were seen on CCTV footage at the bank a few months ago, might have ended up in the toilet.


    UBS staff were shocked and dismayed when they discovered why the lavatories were blocked in June.

    Days later, more shredded notes turned up at nearby restaurants. The staff of a pizzeria where the banknotes caused the toilet to flood took it more lightly.

    "We couldn’t stop laughing," an employee said. Staff took photographs showing the floor of the men’s lavatory flooded, and sodden bills, methodically cut up with scissors, in the toilet bowl and the washbasin.

    Destroying banknotes is not illegal in Switzerland, which used to have a reputation as a safe haven for ill-gotten gains.

    Henri Della Casa, a spokesman for the Geneva prosecutor’s office, said: "There must be something behind this story. That’s why we started an investigation."

    He declined to comment further — and UBS also said it would make no statement about the incident at its branch in Rue de la Corraterie in central Geneva.

    Some speculate that the money may have been destroyed out of fear of the tax authorities before new legislation comes into force next year requiring Swiss banks to share more information with governments.

    The Tribune de Genève said investigators are unclear about whether a man caught on CCTV in one of the restaurants, entering the toilet with his pockets apparently stuffed with wads of banknotes, was acting on behalf of the women.


    "Tax evasion is the most likely theory," said the manager of the Café du Centre. "They should have given the money to beggars."

      September 18, 2017 3:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
     I cannot remember ever reading or hearing about anything more bizarre than this. It has a Keystone Kops flavor to it. A bunch of idiots running around hither and yon destroying what most people yearn to have more of. I know. Dangling preposition. I'm laughing quietly because of the absurdity. On the one hand you have people who cheat, steal, lie to make MORE money and keep it. On this hand you have folks who purposely/purposefully destroyed money. They were so desperate they clogged up the toilets. Screwed up the plumbing. A diabolical plan if ya ask me. I wonder what the collective IQ of the destroyers could be? 50? Thank you for sharing that. I hope it isn't contagious.  Hope it doesn't spread to other countries.The good thing is plumbers got work out of it. Ya gotta look on the bright side m'dear! :)
      September 19, 2017 3:37 AM MDT

  • 591
    I would just wish that someday I am lucky enough to have enough to clog up one toilet.
      September 19, 2017 4:29 AM MDT

  • 113301
    That is too funnee hunnee! I'd go outdoors. To the ocean on a sunny day so that you could see all the diamonds floating on the surface due to the sun. I'd have shredded all of it and then send it out to the sea on the backs of the waves to its ultimate destination beyond the horizon. No toilets clogged. No plumbers needed. No messy floor due to toiletwater backup. How much d'ya think it would take to clog a toilet successfully...theoretically? Of course the denomination of the money counts a lot. Would they be $1 bills or $100 bills? You could test it using Monopoly money. It is undersized compared to the real stuff of course but you could take that into account. Thank you for your reply! Let me know if that day ever comes and how it turned out Master C! :) Okey dokey? This post was edited by RosieG at September 19, 2017 5:06 AM MDT
      September 19, 2017 4:40 AM MDT