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The US hasn't invaded three countries. Andorra, Bhutan and Lliechtenstein. Americans LOVE war, right?

Per a book* written by American Historian Christopher Kelly and British Historian Stuart Laycock, the United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the UN and has been militarily involved with 191 of the 193.

*America Invades: How we've invaded or been militarily involved with almost every country on earth"

Posted - September 23, 2017


  • 5391
    Our Military/Industrial complex does. War is good for business. Anyone wanna guess who the biggest political campaign donors are? 
      September 23, 2017 8:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply DonB. Billionaires. They have the most money with which to buy people. :)
      June 14, 2018 4:18 AM MDT

  • 1326
    Biblical prophecy points to the United States of America as the dominant world power in the time of the end. As any world power has abused of their power. This country is no different. 
      May 16, 2018 11:56 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I don't think we are the dominant world power any longer Autumn. Don juan is seeing to that. He is isolating us. Cutting us off from our allies. He just went against his own rhetoric vis a vis China. He has financial interest in a project in Indonesia. That project just got $500 million dollars in loans from China. Did you notice his quick switch from being anti-China to now being worried about all the job losses? He is going to bat for ZTE, a Chinese company that has been banned in the US for selling cell phones that are really instruments of espionage and sabotage. He doesn't care. He got money from them and that's his carrot. Thank you for your reply! ;)
      May 17, 2018 3:32 AM MDT

  • 2657
    Who is the dominant world power now?
      May 17, 2018 4:15 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I don't know that there is one tex. In my opinion France, the UK and Germany together are the least from the "civilized" world perspective. As for Asia  China calls a lot of the shots  but Kim  is now on equal footing with other nuclear  powers. Don juan gave h im what he wanted. He agreed to meet with him without really going through any proper planning or discussion with his staff or the intelligence agencies. He just thought all he had to do was show up and he'd get the Nobel Peace Prize. He is ignorant, obtuse and arrogant. A sitting duck for the endgame Kim is playing. The don pulled us out of the Paris Accord, the Iran deal and royally screwed up the middle-east by moving too fast on putting the American embassy in Jerusalem. He blew up any chance of our being a major player in effecting middle-east peace because he took sides BIGLY. Who is going to trust the United States to keep its commitments and be even-handed? They are not stupid dumb. So France/UK/Germany for Europe and  China for Asia with North Korea making a bid to be play with the " big boys". That doesn't even mention all the corruption in which don juan is involved. Thank you for your question. I answered it as best I can.  I don't know if it's good enough for you but it's all I got. This post was edited by RosieG at May 17, 2018 5:48 AM MDT
      May 17, 2018 5:46 AM MDT

  • 2657
    I think that the U.S. is still the most powerful Country and together with Britain, still have a bit of pull with the U.N. and to a certain extent, can still impose sanctions on where and what some can buy and sell. (Rev 13) 
    As far as Trump and the U.S., at some point the U.S. and others will think that they have attained peace and security on their own.  (1 Thess 5) They will then attack most religions. You can already see a lot of harm done in the name of religion so likely seeing religion as a road block to attaining or keeping the peace. (Rev 17)

    (Revelation 13:11-18) Then I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking like a dragon. 12 It exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first wild beast, whose mortal wound was healed. 13 And it performs great signs, even making fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind. 14 It misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that it was permitted to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. 15 And it was permitted to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who refuse to worship the image of the wild beast. 16 It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number, and its number is 666.

    (Revelation 17:10-18) And there are seven kings: Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet arrived; but when he does arrive, he must remain a short while. 11 And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also an eighth king, but it springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction. 12 “The ten horns that you saw mean ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for one hour with the wild beast. 13 These have one thought, so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. 14 These will battle with the Lamb, but because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those with him who are called and chosen and faithful will do so.” 15 He said to me: “The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns that you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the prostitute and will make her devastated and naked, and they will eat up her flesh and completely burn her with fire. 17 For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, yes, to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished. 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.”

    (1 Thessalonians 5:2-4) For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. 3 Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves,


    Russia is the only Country that has comparable Nuclear weapons but they pale in comparison with conventional war items like airplanes, helicopters, Aircraft Carriers, defense budget, etc.

      May 17, 2018 6:53 AM MDT

  • 1326
    Rosie, regardless of our personal opinions, what matters is what the Bible says. That most don't give the Bible the respect it deserves is too bad. I for one, whether i understood it or not, believe it, and completely trust its prophecies. Especially as world events are unfolding before our eyes.
      June 12, 2018 12:53 PM MDT

  • 5391
    What freakin nonsense. The Bible has NOTHING to do reality. It does, however encourage otherwise intelligent people wish for the end of the world. It was WRONG about where we came from, and will be just as WRONG about where the world is headed. 
      June 12, 2018 4:20 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Autumn.  The Bible was written over many years by many people. There were councils where the clergy of those times decided which books to include and which to exclude. The politics of the time determined what was in and what was out Autumn. It is there in historical records. So I don't share your view. I DO believe in God. I do not believe that the political writings of dozens of men over decades  encompass HIS WORD. I don't think GOD approves of political spin do you? That is what the Bible is. There were books about women that were excluded because as an Answerbagger said the Bible gives men authority over women. Where does that place The Virgin Mary? Happy Thursday. Ever hear of the Council of Nicea? This post was edited by RosieG at June 14, 2018 4:01 AM MDT
      June 14, 2018 3:58 AM MDT

  • 2657
    In 325 C.E., at the Council of Nicea, they decided God was a trinity. Perhaps you're thinking of the Council in Carthage in 397 or Trent in 1546? Without reading the Bible, one can easily reject the Bible. Comparing the Bible to the Apocrypha, one can see it don't belong. You could click on the link at the bottom and read under: Evidence Against Canonicity.

    6 The period of the Great Synagogue continued till about 300 B.C., after which the Jewish Sánhedrin or Court came into existence. Thus before the Greek Septuagint was begun, the Jerusalem canon was established. It contained just the thirty-nine inspired Hebrew-Aramaic books from Genesis to Malachi, and it prohibited the apocryphal books that were added to the Greek Septuagint. Jesus and the eight writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures confirmed this Jerusalem canon of thirty-nine books, for they all quoted from the Jerusalem canon, but never from the apocryphal books added to the Greek Septuagint. When those eight inspired writers in Greek did quote from the Septuagint, they ignored the apocryphal books.
    7 The leading religious organization of Christendom is therefore wrong in boasting that, because its Council in Carthage in 397 (A.D.) determined upon its canon of sacred books, the Roman Catholic Church made the Holy Bible. According to the Council of Carthage decision the Holy Bible contains seventy-three books, whereas the Bible published today by non-Roman Catholics contains only sixty-six books. This is because the Roman Catholic Council of Carthage added to its Old Testament division of its Bible seven apocryphal books, deutero-canonical books as Roman Catholics call them, besides making additions to two proto-canonical books.
    8 In doing this the Council of Carthage overstepped the Jerusalem canon of the inspired Hebrew Scriptures that had been confirmed by Jesus Christ and his eight inspired Scripture-writing disciples. How, then, can the religious organization of Vatican City truthfully claim that by its Council of Carthage A.D. 397 it “made” the Holy Bible? The true Bible includes only inspired books of which Jehovah God is the Author. It does not include the seven uninspired apocryphal books and additions, which are full of error and which were not produced by Jehovah’s ancient witnesses. The Council of Carthage decided indeed what should go into its authorized Latin translation, the Latin Vulgate, which was then in the making by Jerome; but it did not decide finally what should go into the Bible for non-Roman Catholics of today. It did not decide for Jehovah’s witnesses of today what is the Holy Bible nor make it for them. The Roman Catholic Church’s claim to infallibility in making the Holy Bible is thus exploded and proves false.
    12 So it is seen that the Vatican religious organization has not been entrusted with the exclusive preservation of the most ancient texts of the so-called New Testament, the twenty-seven Bible books written by the eight inspired Jewish disciples of Jesus Christ.
    13 Now, what about the manuscripts of the thirty-nine inspired books of the pre-Christian Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures? Certainly the Roman Catholic Church had nothing to do with preserving the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947. It had nothing to do with preserving the Geniza or storeroom of the Jewish synagogue in Old Cairo, Egypt, which was discovered first in 1890 by Solomon Schechter and from which amazing quantities of Bible materials and other religious materials have been taken and distributed to various libraries and manuscript collections.
    14 The Roman Catholic Church was not the only religious organization that had copyists of the sacred Scriptures. From the days of the Jewish scribe, the priest named Ezra, a contemporary of Governor Nehemiah of Jerusalem, the work of copying the canonical Hebrew Scriptures went forward. Copies were made by Jewish scribes for use in the Jewish synagogues established in the lands where the Jews were scattered. In the synagogue in Nazareth Jesus read from the Isaiah scroll. In the synagogue of Antioch of Pisidia the apostle Paul spoke after he had listened to the public reading of the Law and of the Prophets. (Acts 13:15) And in Jerusalem, about A.D. 49, the assembly of the apostles and older men of the whole congregation said in its decree: “From ancient times Moses has had in city after city those who preach him, because he is read aloud in the synagogues on every sabbath.” (Acts 15:21) The following year the Jews who heard the apostle Paul preach in their synagogue in Beroea, Macedonia, searched the Holy Scriptures daily to see whether the things that the apostle told them were true according to Bible prophecy. (Acts 17:11) After Paul arrived in Rome about A.D. 59 he tried to persuade the Jews there concerning Jesus Christ out of their own copies of the law of Moses and of the prophets. (Acts 28:16-23) Undeniably the Jews had their Bible back there.
    15 Even after the Bible canon of sixty-six inspired books was completed by the end of the first century, the Jewish scribes kept on making handwritten copies of their Holy Scriptures, the thirty-nine inspired Hebrew books. In time the copy work was taken over by the Masoretic scribes, who were very scrupulous about preserving the canonized text of the Hebrew Scriptures. Masoretes, headed by Ben Naphtali of the East and by Ben Asher of the West, were active from the sixth to the ninth centuries of our common era.

    [It is noteworthy that the Council of Trent did not go along with Jesus Christ and his early disciples in accepting only the books of the established Hebrew Scripture canon. That council accepted apocryphal books. These were books of which the learned Jerome, translator of the Latin Vulgate, wrote to a certain woman in connection with the education of her daughter: “All apocryphal books should be avoided; but if she ever wishes to read them, . . . she should be told that they are not the works of the authors by whose names they are distinguished, that they contain much that is faulty, and that it is a task requiring great prudence to find gold in the midst of clay.”]

    The Greek word a·poʹkry·phos is used in its original sense in three Bible texts as referring to things “carefully concealed.” (Mr 4:22; Lu 8:17; Col 2:3) As applied to writings, it originally referred to those not read publicly, hence “concealed” from others. Later, however, the word took on the meaning of spurious or uncanonical, and today is used most commonly to refer to the additional writings declared part of the Bible canon by the Roman Catholic Church at the Council of Trent (1546). Catholic writers refer to these books as deuterocanonical, meaning “of the second (or later) canon,” as distinguished from protocanonical.

    These additional writings are Tobit, Judith, Wisdom (of Solomon), Ecclesiasticus (not Ecclesiastes), Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, supplements to Esther, and three additions to Daniel: The Song of the Three Holy Children, Susanna and the Elders, and The Destruction of Bel and the Dragon. The exact time of their being written is uncertain, but the evidence points to a time no earlier than the second or third century B.C.E.

    Evidence Against Canonicity. ...

    This post was edited by texasescimo at June 15, 2018 8:29 AM MDT
      June 14, 2018 6:59 AM MDT

  • 6023

    Where is the USA named in the Bible?

    Or any of the Americas (North or South)?

      June 12, 2018 1:07 PM MDT

  • 34959
    I believe the Eagle wings plucked off the Lion in Dan is a prophecy fulfilled in 1776. The Eagle being USA and Lion being Britain. 
      June 12, 2018 1:35 PM MDT

  • 6023

    If the US and Britain are that beast, than what other modern nations does that text refer to?

    Doesn't make as much sense to me, as this explanation of that text:

    Answer: a. A lion with eagle's wings. b. A bear with three ribs in its mouth. c. A leopard with four heads and four wings. d. A very strong beast.

    A lion, the first beast, is a fitting symbol of Babylon. The Old Testament prophets called Babylon a lion. A lion with eagle’s wings was a prominent symbol on Babylonian coins and on Babylon’s walls. The lion—the king of beasts—and an eagle—the chief of birds—aptly describes the powerful rule of Babylon from 605 to 539 B.C.

    The fierceness of the Medo-Persian soldiers is depicted in the bear of verse 5. When the Medes and Persians overthrew Babylon, they also conquered Lydia and Egypt. The three ribs in the bear’s mouth represent these three nations—Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt. Medo-Persia ruled the Middle East from 539 to 331 B.C.

    The leopard is an appropriate symbol of Alexander the Great’s empire, Greece. The Greek king conquered with the swiftness of a leopard flying with eagle’s wings. Why does this leopard have four heads? When Alexander died in a drunken stupor at age thirty-three, his four generals—Cassander, Lysimachus, Seleucus, and Ptolemy—divided up the empire. Bible prophecy is incredibly accurate. The Greeks ruled from 331 to 168 B.C.

    The Roman empire, “as strong as iron,” conquered the world in 168 B.C. by defeating the Greeks at the Battle of Pynda. Under the Caesars, the mighty Roman Empire ruled from 168 B.C. to 351 A.D.

    NOTE: The image of Daniel 2 contains four metals—gold, silver, brass, and iron. There are four beasts in chapter 7—a lion, bear, leopard, and a dragon. Just as the four metals represent the four successive world kingdoms beginning with Babylon in Daniel’s day and passing to Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, so the four beasts represent the same four kingdoms. You might wonder why God uses metals in chapter 2 and beasts in chapter 7. In the symbolism of the metals in chapter 2, God illustrates that no power on earth can endure. The metals are transitory, but His kingdom—the rock cut out without hands—is permanent.

    In the fierceness of the four beasts in Daniel 7, God describes the vicious conflicts of political kingdoms as they vie for world control.

      June 12, 2018 2:28 PM MDT

  • 34959
    I know that is how most explain it. But I believe it is talking about what countries will be in existence at the Endtimes as they are the same beasts mentioned in Rev but this time as one joined beast (the one world government)
    The Lion (Britian) Eagles wings (USA), Bear (Russia), Leopard w/4 heads (Germany), beast like no other (EU). 
      June 12, 2018 2:40 PM MDT

  • 6023

    From my (short) searching on the interwebz ... it seems to be split 50/50 between the two.
    I just can't wrap my head around Germany and Russia ever cooperating, given their historic animosity ... and Germany's betrayal, the last time they tried.

    I'd compare it to Hell freezing over.  But then, Hell is a frozen wasteland according to Norse mythology.  LOL

      June 12, 2018 3:20 PM MDT

  • 2657
    If you know that the two horns in Daniel represent the cohesion between the Medes and Persians and other symbolism in the Bible as well as secular historical information it's understandable that the U.S. and Britain are represented by the two horns in Revelation especially the way so many seem to worship the U.S. and it's emblem.

    (Daniel 8:3) As I raised my eyes, look! there was a ram standing before the watercourse, and it had two horns. The two horns were tall, but one was higher than the other, and the higher one came up later.
    (Revelation 13:11-13) Then I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking like a dragon. 12 It exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first wild beast, whose mortal wound was healed. 13 And it performs great signs, even making fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind.
      June 15, 2018 12:42 PM MDT

  • 6023

    How long was it between the writing of Revelation, and the colonization of America?

    Around 1,000 years?

    And during all that time, Christians were still proclaiming they were living in the "end times".

    Which just proves the lie of anyone claiming Revelations "proves" we are living in the "end times".

      June 15, 2018 2:17 PM MDT

  • 6098
    Americans love peace.  Which is why they don't bring their wars home with them but rather want to get back to a peaceful existence that can only exist without war.  Though will always be a few who love war and I suppose more who will get sentimental about them.  Wars do bring people together and bring out the best and worst in people. 
      May 17, 2018 5:20 AM MDT