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What are some words* that you know ONLY because they are used in your profession or field of expertise? ~

*Please also post their definitions and/or their meanings as they relate to your job. Gracias.

Posted - September 28, 2017


  • 2500
    Beat ya to it!

    (And yes, I know that I'm a virtual cesspool of useless knowledge . . .    )
      September 29, 2017 9:48 PM MDT

  • 44765
    Holy sh**...I meant magnetrons. I shall now kill myself. How embarrassing. And I have replaced a few in Navy radar sets.
      September 29, 2017 3:45 PM MDT

  • 2500
    Yeah, but you probably haven't messed with them in quite a while so it's easy to forget and mix terms. (You probably ran into a klystron or even a TWAT back then too.) so don't feel like the Lone Ranger about forgetting. I'd been away from high-power vacuum tubes (both power grid and power beam tubes) for quite a while and got drug back into them (kicking and screaming the whole way), took me a while to re-acclimate myself . . . 

    And speaking of killing yourself . . . it's real easy to do when messing around with those TV transmitter beam supplies. 25-kV available at up to 12-amperes output will make you a crispy critter real fast if you make a mistake. That part of dealing with klystrons I don't miss!
      September 29, 2017 9:34 PM MDT

  • 44765
    How about this: In my calibration lab on my first ship, we had the Cesium beam oscillator that was used in the 'flying clock' experiment. I used it to calibrate the rubidium oscillators on the submarines. And yeah, I've seen a few klystrons and vacuum tubes.
      September 30, 2017 8:27 AM MDT

  • 2500
    Yep. Can't go into detail but I'm familiar with both cesium beam frequency standards (last one I dealt with was an hp) and rubidium frequency standards (Tracor). Haven't had to deal with a gas maser yet though.

    Here's one for you . . . most amplifiers (like the klystron) are two-port devices; they have separate input and a separate output. Ever deal with a single-port amplifier? (An amplifier, not an oscillator . . . )
      October 1, 2017 5:36 PM MDT

  • 394
     State level (I teach  in FL)
    M.A.F.S.- florida math standards 
    L.A.F.S - Florida language arts
    N.G.S.S.S.- Next generation
                        Sunshine state
    County level:
    S.I.P. - School improvement plan
      September 29, 2017 1:38 PM MDT

  • 44765
    No wonder you don't have time to have to memorize all of that BS.
      September 29, 2017 2:02 PM MDT

  • 46117
    No one else did, don't tell her.
      September 29, 2017 2:33 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I'll bet you are the only person in the world that knows this.  No one else you work with knows this.  I know I wouldn't if I had that job.  LOL  Bully for YOU. 
      September 29, 2017 2:32 PM MDT