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Discussion » Questions » History » The Donald John TALKS BIG and delivers small or not at all. Did y'all know it was just hype he gave you during the campaign? You didn't?

The Donald John TALKS BIG and delivers small or not at all. Did y'all know it was just hype he gave you during the campaign? You didn't?

Posted - October 1, 2017


  • 22891
    im not surprised
      October 1, 2017 5:28 PM MDT

  • 1326
    Typical of all politicians. Trump isn't the only one. I recently viewed old footage of a political campaign back in the 60s, sounded the same as the  trump campaign. The promises of back then are the promises of the latest campaign. Talk is cheap. This post was edited by Autumnleaves at September 26, 2018 2:28 AM MDT
      September 25, 2018 11:35 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Hi Autumn!  What's that saying that pertains to your reply? "If we don't learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it"? Something like that. Also "the more things change the more they stay the same". That one I never really understood. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday. I'm gonna ask a question about it.
      September 26, 2018 2:30 AM MDT