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Discussion » Statements » Hillary Clinton says that white women voted for President Trump because of pressure from husbands and other men not to vote for "the girl."

Hillary Clinton says that white women voted for President Trump because of pressure from husbands and other men not to vote for "the girl."

But she was only in a position to run for president in the first place because her husband had once been president! She quite her law career to support Bill's political career. She traveled around the country - twice - to stump for her husband. She gave speeches other people wrote to say how great her husband is. She gave interviews for years talking on and on - not about herself - but about her husband. And we all know the extra humiliation Hillary Clinton suffered at the hands of her husband, yet she stayed with him nonetheless.

How ironic is it that now she's castigating women for being controlled by men? She can't get over that the majority of white women (and 46 percent of college-educated white women) voted for President Trump.

Here's what author Julie Kelly had to say:

"With multiple policy preferences and varying degrees of enthusiasm, and though few of us voted for him in the primary, there was one thing we all had in common: we did not want Hillary Clinton to be president. It was not because she is a woman; that’s ludicrous. And it was not because our husbands told us not to vote for her. They didn’t have to. It was simply that, over the course of two decades in the public eye, Clinton repeatedly squandered any trust we may have had in her. It was because she is a political liberal who wanted to expand the cost and power of the federal government and we are Republicans who strongly oppose that. It was because her presidency, essentially, would have been a third term for Obama, a president we largely consider to be a failure. And because, as Clinton continues to prove on her book tour, she has no regard or respect for our values, our priorities, or our points of view. She considers herself to be our superior and if we are of no use to her politically, we are of no use to the country, period.

We saw that. We noted it. And we acted accordingly.

That is the bitter truth Hillary Clinton refuses to accept and Michelle Obama now tries to shade because her husband is as much to blame for Trump’s victory as Hillary is. Ladies, if you really want to know why we voted for Donald Trump, get a mirror."

Posted - October 1, 2017


  • 1233
    Hillary lost because she's evil and unable to hide it. Anyone with one bit of discernment and intuition can sense the psychopathy and is instinctively disgusted by her. 

    One of the classic personality traits of a psychopath is the complete inability to take responsibility. Everything bad is someone else's fault. They're too narcissistic to be self critical. So naturally it must be sexism that caused her defeat. It couldn't possibly be that she's a satanic **** that virtually no one likes. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at January 15, 2018 6:11 AM MST
      October 1, 2017 11:39 AM MDT

  • 13071
    Great answer. ;)
      October 1, 2017 12:24 PM MDT

  • Hillary will blame anything and everyone but herself and those who ran her campaign. She lost because she is a vile, lying, wretched, untrustworthy, unlivable, left wing nut.
      October 1, 2017 12:33 PM MDT

  • 53635

    Sour grapes are sour grapes. I love how some people ASSUME that voters are supposed to fall into neat little categories based on their demographics. Women, white or not, can vote for whomever they see fit, just like any other voters can. The competency of the candidate is far more important than biology.

    See what happens when one believes that she's entitled to the US presidency?

      October 1, 2017 1:38 PM MDT

  • 423
    Whether you are a Republican or Democrat sympathizer, isn't it shocking that so great a proportion of the electorate cast votes for HC? What with her atrocious record as an unprincipled, dishonest, indecent, unempathetic human being.
    She is BLOODY NASTY a person, and should never have ever been in charge of any official decision-making that affected other people.
    It is pitiful that no better candidate could be found, and that so many who knew her far better than the electorate, signed on to get her elected.
    But I am sure there are people who are still unable to understand how George W. Bush got elected for a second term too.
    Just one more damned opinion of course. I am sure there are secretly, or not so secretly, hordes of people who think Hillary would make a fine figurehead for America, and would work diligently, tirelessly and selflessly to improve the lot of the less-well-off in America, and everywhere else. 
    This post was edited by Stemmata949 at January 15, 2018 8:09 AM MST
      January 15, 2018 6:26 AM MST