"Every living thing dies." According to the Bible, Old and New Testaments, the human soul is immortal. So I suppose the "anyone" that authored the Bible disputes that phrase.
Not exactly, no offence intended my friend. However most religions say that. (Ezekiel 18:4) Look! All the souls—to me they belong. As the soul of the father so also the soul of the son—to me they belong. The soul who sins is the one who will die. (Ecclesiastes 9:5) For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going. (Psalm 146:3, 4) Do not put your trust in princes Nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation. 4 His spirit goes out, he returns to the ground; On that very day his thoughts perish.
THE SOUL DIES 6 Some persons have said that what makes man different from the animals is that man has a soul but the animals do not. However, Genesis 1:20 and 30 says that God created “living souls” to live in the waters, and that the animals have “life as a soul.” In these verses some Bibles use the words “creature” and “life” instead of “soul,” but their marginal readings agree that the word “soul” is what appears in the original language. Among the Bible references to animals as souls is Numbers 31:28. There it speaks of “one soul out of five hundred, of humankind and of the herd and of the asses and of the flock.” 7 Since animals are souls, when they die their souls die. As the Bible says: “Every living soul died, yes, the things in the sea.” (Revelation 16:3) What about human souls? As we learned in the previous chapter, God did not create man with a soul. Man is a soul. So, as we would expect, when man dies, his soul dies. Over and over again the Bible says that this is true. Never does the Bible say the soul is deathless or that it cannot die. “All those going down to the dust will bend down, and no one will ever preserve his own soul alive,” Psalm 22:29 says. “The soul that is sinning—it itself will die,” explains Ezekiel 18:4 and 20. And if you turn to Joshua 10:28-39, you will find seven places where the soul is spoken of as being killed or destroyed. 8 In a prophecy about Jesus Christ, the Bible says: “He poured out his soul to the very death . . . and he himself carried the very sin of many people.” (Isaiah 53:12) The teaching of the ransom proves it was a soul (Adam) that sinned, and that in order to ransom humans there had to be a corresponding soul (a man) sacrificed. Christ, by ‘pouring out his soul unto death,’ provided the ransom price. Jesus, the human soul, died. 9 As we have seen, the “spirit” is something different from our soul. The spirit is our life-force. This life-force is in each of the body cells of both humans and animals. It is sustained, or kept alive, by breathing. What does it mean, then, when the Bible says that at death “the dust returns to the earth . . . and the spirit itself returns to the true God who gave it”? (Ecclesiastes 12:7) At death the life-force in time leaves all the body cells and the body begins to decay. But this does not mean that our life-force literally leaves the earth and travels through space to God. Rather, the spirit returns to God in the sense that now our hope for future life rests entirely with God. Only by his power can the spirit, or life-force, be given back so that we live again.—Psalm 104:29, 30.
You're welcome! I went looking for where my grandmother's house used to be in a small East Texas oil town when I was a kid last week. All I remember was that there was an Arco gas station and a cafe. Both gone and couldn't recognize where her house used to be. Kinda reminds me of that song "Our Town" that you posted a while back. Things were so much simper then and there. Things are so crazy now.
Physically of course, everything does die, but the notion of a nebulous after-life as a "soul" for humans appears to have been basic to all known religions that have been invented (not only Judaeo-Christianity), to reduce the fear of dying, and to comfort the dying and bereaved.
No one alive can KNOW what, if anything, happens after with any certainty. But of course we can opine. Here's what I would LIKE to have happen. We all go on as before EXCEPT that there is no hate or war or pain or illness. We still have different opinions but we are able to discuss them calmly, rationally and without rancor. Absent hate there would be no racism or bigotry. But you might still prefer potatoes and I might still prefer broccoli or you might prefer one author and I another and we could discuss the merits of each. I know the merits of potatoes are endless aren't they?. We would all be civil, polite, cordial and maybe friendly too. That is what would I would LIKE to have happen. I think that would be most loverly. Heavenly even.Thank you for your reply Durdle and Happy Saturday to you! )
This post was edited by RosieG at October 7, 2017 2:22 AM MDT
What a fine response Durdle. Thank you for agreeing with me that such an endless existence would be and could quite loverly! :) Who knows? It is said that what man can conceive man can achieve and thinking makes it so and you call into your life what you focus/dwell on. Maybe?
I've not heard that but it's an interesting idea. I don't really see what the second and third clause mean, because at face value simply thinking about something is not the same as physically making it happen. Or am I missing something?
Here's how I interpret it. Thinking precedes inventing/creating. I am not creative in that way but it seems to me that thinking about something, figuring it out, pondering and wondering and investigating and opining precedes its actualization. I can't conceive of anything being created without thought having preceded it. I mean do inventors just go into a lab and create on the spot by the seat of their pants or have they figured out various paths to travel and test to see what the results will be? If you don't think how can you create? Maybe poets sit down and the words just flow but they must have been aware of their experiences to inspire them, motivate them which requires thought before they had anything to write about. Trial and error. The Scientific method. How much thinking goes into it until the light bulb moment which occurs when what you try works? Absent thought there is just existence. I think. So to make it you have to think about it. visualize it, envision it first. Don't you? Now just thinking that I would like to be an opera singer won't make it so if I don't have the talent. That is wishful thinking. Did I shed any light on the darkness? Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)
You are right - you have to think about the problem challenge or inspiration first.
The inventor may have had a flash of inspiration, but would still have to experiment to find the best way to achieve the desired result.
Science works in two slightly different ways. In one, a bit like the inventor's approach, the research is to determine how to achieve what is wanted- a more efficient car engine, or overcoming limits on something known like radar. The other, more applicable to the natural sciences, the aim to establish how some observed event or process happens. Here, the scientist ponders the "how?" and suggests plausible answers - the Hypothesis. This is open to further research and debate among colleagues and either seen as fatally flawed or increasingly likely as further observations produce supporting evidence, strengthening it to a Theory. It does not become a scientific Law until it has been shown over and over again to be correct - the electronics that allow me to type, and you to read, this are designed around immutable scientific Laws of electricity and materials.
Both scientist and inventor need therefore to think deeply about the question or idea before they can develop it further. Ideas do "come out the blue" - but to pursue them needs a lot of mental as well as physical work, and like your being an opera singer, the work has to have a definite foundation on which to build the idea.
Literally or figuratively Kg? Take more time with makeup and attire or wait until you're in a good mood before you engage with others? Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to you! :)