They will never convince me. I just spent the summer in Scandinavia - as far left as you can get without being communist. They have the highest GDP per capita, little poverty, low crime rate, highly educated population, little or no government corruption, government budget surpluses, and affordable health care for everyone. Those I talked to see us (US) as the wild west - an insufficiently regulated (lawless), winner take all, dog eat dog, every man for himself society. I am inclined to agree. By the way, the picture of me is at an outdoor cafe in Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark.
This post was edited by CallMeIshmael at October 28, 2017 7:10 PM MDT
I haven't seen a TV for about 6 years. Canada is fairly somewhat socialist which is an advantage for me so maybe my reason to be socialist bias. 'Canadian government cutting social programs and Canadians fleeing to US for medical treatments' babble just don't seem too valid at all. (per SARP)
Well, the folks at Rogers are going to be dissapointed about your TV viewing habits . . .
Canada cut the devil out of social programs about 15-years ago. Had to to keep the country afloat. Maybe you conveniently forgot about that ? ? ?
This post was edited by Salt and Red Pepper at October 29, 2017 11:52 PM MDT
Don't remember hearing much about it, don't remember hearing any grumbling about any significant cuts, nothing affected me but I do know they began forcing able people to do some serious job searching.
No, no no. You're confusing the right with the left when it comes to "news". Just remember, the USA media is dominated by multiple left-leaning "news organizations" . . . There's hardly a center, let alone right-leaning news outet among them.
Can't speak for Canada but about 20-years ago the broadcast news divisions of the "Big Three" (NBC, ABC and CBS; Fox has never had an over-the-air "broadcast" news presence) stopped being independent entities withing their corporate structures and were placed under the Entertainment divisions. (Oh, how I miss Robert Kintner!)