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Discussion » Questions » History » Do the (allegedly) adequate food and housing conditions for the slaves who helped build the White House justify their slavery? Bill O'Reilly seems to think so. How about you?

Do the (allegedly) adequate food and housing conditions for the slaves who helped build the White House justify their slavery? Bill O'Reilly seems to think so. How about you?


If not, why even bring it up?

Posted - July 27, 2016


  • 2327

    He said it justified their slavery?

      July 27, 2016 7:30 PM MDT

  • 23

    You should just be honest and say that you didn`t see what he said instead of parroting the Daily News, or wherever you got your false talking point.

      July 27, 2016 7:31 PM MDT

  • 3934

    Can you give me another reason why he would mention them?

      July 27, 2016 7:31 PM MDT

  • Much of the past, present, and future cannot be justified.

      July 27, 2016 7:34 PM MDT

  • 3934

    Nope. I watched the video. The point stands.

      July 27, 2016 7:34 PM MDT

  • 3934

      July 27, 2016 7:37 PM MDT

  • 3934

    And yet some sheep-dip-for-brains still try to do so...:-p...

      July 27, 2016 7:37 PM MDT

  • 23

    LOL  Ok, you stick with that story.

      July 27, 2016 7:39 PM MDT

  • 3934

    @Tiberius -- Here. It's on YouTube.

    If you're calling me a liar, you can go Cheney yourself.

      July 27, 2016 7:40 PM MDT

  • 23

    I watched it. He justified nothing, merely reported the historical facts. Is what he said not factual?

      July 27, 2016 7:45 PM MDT

  • 23

    Hey Old School, do you know why my comment to AI was removed?

      July 27, 2016 7:51 PM MDT

  • 7938

    Check your inbox. 

      July 27, 2016 7:53 PM MDT

  • 53417
      July 27, 2016 8:10 PM MDT

  • 7938

    After watching the clip, I don't think that's what he meant by it... He's obviously trying to downplay what she's saying. Her quote was...

    “the story that has brought me to this stage tonight, the story of generations of people who felt the lash of bondage, the shame of servitude, the sting of segregation, but who kept on striving and hoping and doing what needed to be done so that today, I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters — two beautiful, intelligent, black young women — playing with their dogs on the White House lawn.”

    I think he's more or less mixing up her words. "generations of people who felt the lash of bondage, the shame of servitude, the sting of segregation" don't really fall in line with the the people who built the White House, because in this sense, the slaves weren't treated with the same disregard that's generally associated with slavery. They were treated like the other employees/ builders. So, he's saying she used a poor example, side by side.

    Yes, if you look at it from a broad perspective, those men and women were not there of their own choosing and they weren't compensated- their masters were. So, I think she did a fine job with her speech and the facts were paired together beautifully, but I can also see why O'Reilly would say the two are distinct examples. I disagree, but I don't think he was trying to justify slavery. There is no justification for that. He's just saying she picked a bad example to highlight her cause. 

    (I'm saying this based on the clips I saw. I don't know O'Relly's background and if he has a history of saying things like this. If he has a track record of it, I might feel differently.)

      July 27, 2016 8:30 PM MDT

  • 304
    Nothing justifies slavery. When we finally get our time machine maybe we can go back and change some shit. Until then theres nothing we can do about it. Why beat a dead horse? Also I'd like to add that although I'm white I had nothing to do with slavery and do not support the unfair treatment of anyone based on their heritage or skin color.
      July 27, 2016 9:01 PM MDT

  • 3934

    @Tiberius -- Let's suppose you had a friend who, unfortunately, was dying of cancer.

    When someone asks you how Bob is doing you say, "Well, his hair has all fallen out from the chemo. He's lost 50 lbs cause he can't eat. You can really see his 6-pack abs now. He's in pain all the time. He sleeps 16 hours per day, and the whole ordeal has him depressed."

    Why in the WORLD would you mention 6-pack abs in that series of statements?

    Similarly, why in the WORLD would Bill-O mention, "Gosh, the slaves were well-fed and housed" in the middle of his statement?

    In either case, it's 100% factual (so far as we know). In both cases, the statements (6-pack abs, well-fed slaves) are utterly irrelevant.

    In BIll-O's case, it COULD be a simple dumb error. Paid talking heads are known to make them. But I am skeptical. I think it's as "accidental" as Glenn Beck's tears.

      July 27, 2016 9:11 PM MDT

  • 3934

    @Randy D -- I posted a video link elsewhere.

    I wouldn't say he exactly "justified" their slavery by noting their (alleged) decent treatment. But it's a damn strange thing to say in that context. The cognitive linguist in me strongly suspects it's an attempt at mitigation, to diminish the emotional impact of First Lady Obama's statement about living in a house built by slaves.

      July 27, 2016 9:15 PM MDT

  • 3934

    @Al -- No, the way it works is movements like Black Lives Matter recognize a simple truth. None of the "facts" you bring up are relevant to or a justification for the abuse members of the African-American community suffer at the hands of law enforcement.

    The fact that Tyrone in Detroit killed a cop DOES NOT JUSTIFY cops in Georgia flash-banging the face off an infant while serving a drug warrant or cops in LA rounding up a group of teenagers in a car and essentially torturing them simply because they are black.

    Your repeated misrepresentation of reality suggests one of the following:

    1) You don't get it (in which case, John Cleese has your number)

    2) You think the above practices ARE OK, in which case you're a despicable racist pig

    3) You are pretending you think the above is OK, in which case you're an idiotic troll

      July 27, 2016 9:25 PM MDT

  • 53417

      July 27, 2016 9:29 PM MDT

  • 3934

    @JA --- I think my choice of the word "justify" might have been too strong. However, I definitely think he was trying to MITIGATE the implication of the White House being constructed with slave labor. In short, his statement boils down to, "Yes, the White House was constructed with slaves, but they were well-fed well-housed slaves, so that's not so bad."

    It could be simply a dumb mistake. I think it's an attempt at language framing in order to justify belief in Our Awesome Post-Racial Society.

      July 27, 2016 9:29 PM MDT

  • 53417

    Thank you for such a concise anaylsis.  I too, am unfamiliar with O'Reilly.  


      July 27, 2016 9:31 PM MDT

  • 3934

    @NellO -- I agree.

    When we have a society where African-Americans don't get pulled over for Driving While Black, don't suffer disproportionate prosecution for petty crimes to reduce affluent White tax burdens, don't have their job applications round-filed for having "black-sounding names",  and don't have to raise their children to be super extra careful in speech, dress, etc. lest someone in authority take offense...

    ...Then we will have a society where "unfair treatment based on heritage or skin color" has truly been expunged. Until then, your whining will be given the consideration it deserves....;-D....

      July 27, 2016 9:33 PM MDT

  • 53417

    Thank you.

    I have voluntarily deleted my response due to the unfairness of having commented on it when I don't know all the facts.

      July 27, 2016 9:33 PM MDT

  • Bill O'Stupid is an arrogant fool who needs a wall built around him. I wonder...would he like to live like slaves did with their "adequate food and housing conditions"? 

      July 27, 2016 10:44 PM MDT