When younger yes, quite often Haven't been for ages though. used to have some land on the Russian river in Northern California and would catch a lot of trout. I Go fishing sometimes in my dreams...LOL
You must be rich if you had land on the Russian River. We used to go on vacation there when I was a kid, and yes, Russian River did have a lot of Russian speaking people. My grandmother and mother were one of them.
When I was around 22 or 23, I went fishing once. Caught 6 porgies which I gave to the captain of the charter because I had no intention of cleaning them myself.
Are porgies those fat lipped big mouthed fish, that are sort of red colored? My late husband and I did the same thing when we caught some of the ones aforementioned.
I honestly don't remember what the fish looked like other than they were relatively small and thin. I knew my mom wasn't going to want to have to clean them either. I can't look at a dead fish that's looking back at me. When I order fish in a restaurant, I make sure it's served decapitated.
HAHAHAHA Yes, and do you notice no matter how you turn the fish when its sitting on your dinner plate, it still looks like its staring right at you saying.....why me, why me....;D
First of all because the knee is bent slightly that throws the accuracy way off. I mean if you are measuring in millimeters and are in a contest. You know. I'm just sayin'.
No one ever took me. My Uncle Frank used to go fishing early in the morning and I would dig up worms for him in the back yard in Chicago. I wonder why he never took me. He's still alive, I should ask him.
WTF??? Uncle Frank. You made me a serial worm killer and left me in the lurch.
Are you kidding? I used to work on a fishing boat. When we went commercial fishing I, personally caught about 400 pounds of grouper on average. That's just the beginning. Come on down, I'll show you how to catch fish. Oh, and don't forget to bring your boat (the big one)!