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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Humans need scapegoats because nothing is ever their fault. The GOP Scapegoats Dems and Dems Scapegoat Republicans. Everyone's happy, right?

Humans need scapegoats because nothing is ever their fault. The GOP Scapegoats Dems and Dems Scapegoat Republicans. Everyone's happy, right?

Posted - November 10, 2017


  • 5354
    Everyone is human, Happines is another dimension.
      November 10, 2017 9:09 AM MST

  • 113301
    Once again I disagree with thee. If you are inhumane you are in another dimension. If you are cruel and unkind and spend your tine plotting ways to sabotage your country, steal an election, lie about everything because you are a chickeny coward or because you want to harm others that is not what I think of as "human" JacobA. I see inhumane Homo Sapiens as a breed apart and they forms groups of cabals plotting only harm to others so they can WIN no matter what. As for happiness I think inhumane people are only really and truly in direct proportion to the misery they bring to the "enemy". They take joy in crushing people. They get off on it. Other humans are happy to be alive. They are grateful and appreciative of what they have and value it. Still others were born positive and optimistic and find ways to focus on the silver lining even though there may not be one sometimes. They always look for it anyway. What could it hurt?. I don't think happiness is another dimension at all. It lies within each of each to be happy and we are the only source of it. We cannot put that burden on others to "make us happy". We have to  find ways to make ourselves happy and in so doing perhaps we can make others happy as a side effect by example. Thank you for your reply. Are you a happy person? I am. Every day in almost every way is a happy day for me. I wake up pain-free. I have autonomy. Not everyone is as fortuante as me!  Thank you for your reply JakobA:)
      November 12, 2017 5:25 AM MST

  • 22891
      November 10, 2017 2:28 PM MST