Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» When did white Christian Evangelicals become one with White Nationalists/White Racists/ALT-RIGHT whites? Satan's handiwork?
As an Evangelical Christian who happens to be white, I don't believe that is the case. I don't know anyone who is any of those terms you describe except white, Evangelical Christian.
Well now, I don't pretend to speak for all of Christendom. But as a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ, I found that the question was resolved in the Gospel of Mathew when Christ said that loving the Heavenly Father with all of one's heart, mind and soul came first. After that, love your neighbor as yourself. It was presented as an additional commandment. Now, I'd be just a little suspect of anyone who claimed Christian teachings, yet conveniently omitted these words of Jesus. Just as I'd be a little suspicious of someone categorizing people, tarring them with broad strokes of the brush and labeling it bigotry. But then, racism is the last refuge for the left when all else fails.