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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » We live in a society that imposes gender expectations. Women are not EXPECTED to be brave warriors, though some are. Do you approve/dis?

We live in a society that imposes gender expectations. Women are not EXPECTED to be brave warriors, though some are. Do you approve/dis?

Men are not expected to run a household, nurture kids and prepare the meals though some do. They are expected to go out into the world and earn a living so they can support their family. Women take this on all the time and do a swell job.Even so  we cannot escape gender expectations even though we know they are shoes that don't always fit. What gender expectation do you most dislike? Why?

Posted - November 12, 2017


  • I don't mind or dislike any gender expectations. Well maybe the ones that pit one gender as being inferior/superior to other.
    Fact is gender roles and expectations are a natural and amoral aspect of being a binary life form. They aren't an issue on there own, it's when they are enforced as absolutes creating a sort of dictatorship and followed/expected to an oppressively rigid degree that it limits the free choices and denies  access to experiences that therein lies a serious problem.
      November 12, 2017 7:25 AM MST

  • 6098
    Well I am of a younger generation when such gender roles were less stringent and written in stone than I expect they were when you were young.  I expect men to be responsible which we should be as well.  But I have learned that many men are not just as many of us are not.  I think people gravitate to certain things.  I have always gravitated naturally to many more traditional "female" activities such as cooking, cleaning, keeping house, caregiving.  I think the expectations I most disliked growing up were that we were supposed to be beautiful and brainless and always oriented toward getting and pleasing a man so he would take care of us.  I was not any great shakes in any of those departments but I learned son enough I would not be able to earn much of a living doing any of those things so I had to take myself more seriously I terms of going out and getting a better paying kind of job which I eventually was able to do in my 30s. My husband does well enough he would be able to support me but I have continued working just because I am used to doing so and it has just become part of my routine and how I see myself and think about myself. 
      November 12, 2017 7:32 AM MST

  • 11481
    Rosie - wake up! It's not 1957 anymore!
      November 12, 2017 9:43 AM MST

  • 53635

      When I got married, I had some crazy notion that I should not have to give birth to our children, instead, I envisioned that as my wife's "role". Not only did I think it should have been that way, I guess I sort of left the task in her hands.

      Imagine that. I must be some kind of cad. 

    Cue eye-roll.

      November 12, 2017 2:33 PM MST

  • 22891
    i dont think anyone should impose gender expectations
      November 12, 2017 3:49 PM MST